We have a customer using what was supposed to be a production system
based upon cakephp 1.1.18 - which really isn't.  That aside there are
very signficiant issues that need urgent resolution, whcih we just
can't find a way to solve readily.

1. the number of db queries is absolutley astounding - example
constructing a left hand submenu and overview display of roughly 20-25
table rows of data leads (with about 10 elements in  each row) to
roughly 49000+ queries.  This appears to be 'contructed' using a few
findAll queries.  There has got to be a better way - and faster.

2. In some portion of the system there is a need to display a large
list of items - some approachign 1500+ long.  This obviously begs for
pagination - but for the life of me the various examples I've found
don't really seem to work for what needs to be done.

For reference the main view code at issue looks like  this:

                $this->set('curtickets', $this->Ticket->findAll((isset($this-
>params['url']['num']) && $this->params['url']['num'] != '' ? ($this-
>params['url']['num2'] != '' ? "ticket_number >= '{$this->params['url']
['num']}' AND ticket_number <= '{$this->params['url']['num2']}' AND
" : "ticket_number = '{$this->params['url']['num']}' AND ") : '').
($type ? "type = '{$type}' AND " : '').($sub ? "subcontractor_id =
'{$sub}' AND " : '') . "Ticket.job_id = '{$this-
                $subs = $this->Ticket->Job->JobSubCombination-
>findAll("JobSubCombination.job_id = {$this-
>params['job_id']}",'Subcontractor.id, Subcontractor.legal_name');
                $sublist = array();
                foreach ($subs as $s) {
                        $sublist[$s['Subcontractor']['id']] = 
                $this->set('sublist', $sublist);
                $this->set('typelist', $this->typelist);
                $this->set('chosentype', $type);
                $this->set('chosensub', $sub);

Open to thoughts...

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