Look into Containable and determine if you could work with a lower
level of recursion. Perhaps you could make use of unbindModel to
remove associations you don't need. Off topic a bit, but worth noting,
your nested in-line ternary conditionals are just absurd. Some
developer down the road is going to despise you if you leave those in.

Also. !empty($var) will do the work of isset($var) and $var != '', in
one swoop.

On Oct 6, 3:36 pm, wmshay06 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have a customer using what was supposed to be a production system
> based upon cakephp 1.1.18 - which really isn't.  That aside there are
> very signficiant issues that need urgent resolution, whcih we just
> can't find a way to solve readily.
> 1. the number of db queries is absolutley astounding - example
> constructing a left hand submenu and overview display of roughly 20-25
> table rows of data leads (with about 10 elements in  each row) to
> roughly 49000+ queries.  This appears to be 'contructed' using a few
> findAll queries.  There has got to be a better way - and faster.
> 2. In some portion of the system there is a need to display a large
> list of items - some approachign 1500+ long.  This obviously begs for
> pagination - but for the life of me the various examples I've found
> don't really seem to work for what needs to be done.
> For reference the main view code at issue looks like  this:
>                 $this->set('curtickets', 
> $this->Ticket->findAll((isset($this->params['url']['num']) && 
> $this->params['url']['num'] != '' ? ($this-
> >params['url']['num2'] != '' ? "ticket_number >= '{$this->params['url']
> ['num']}' AND ticket_number <= '{$this->params['url']['num2']}' AND
> " : "ticket_number = '{$this->params['url']['num']}' AND ") : '').
> ($type ? "type = '{$type}' AND " : '').($sub ? "subcontractor_id =
> '{$sub}' AND " : '') . "Ticket.job_id = '{$this->params['job_id']}'"));
>                 $subs = 
> $this->Ticket->Job->JobSubCombination->findAll("JobSubCombination.job_id = 
> {$this-
> >params['job_id']}",'Subcontractor.id, Subcontractor.legal_name');
>                 $sublist = array();
>                 foreach ($subs as $s) {
>                         $sublist[$s['Subcontractor']['id']] = 
> $s['Subcontractor']
> ['legal_name'];
>                 }
>                 $this->set('sublist', $sublist);
>                 $this->set('typelist', $this->typelist);
>                 $this->set('chosentype', $type);
>                 $this->set('chosensub', $sub);
> Open to thoughts...
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