Hi Keith

Thanks for the extra info although it still isn't very clear to me
from that what's going on.  However,  I would mention:
1. Are you clearing your cache?  You might have old data hanging
2. Did you try to set a higher debug level to get more info?
3. Did you try to experiment with Bake?  You can try different
scenarios which you should be able to get working without too much

Best regards.

On Oct 11, 6:31 am, Keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just as a clarification on why I have it set up this way...
> The belongs_to is there because the users that creates the project
> becomes the owner.
> The has_and_belongs_to_many is there so that if a user wants someone
> outside their department to access it they can manually add them.
> The problem looks like it's stemming from how cakePHP is handling the
> array...
> for the belongs_to the array keys are based on field names like [id] &
> [first_name], etc.
> for the HABTM array the array keys are sequential as the "related
> users" foreach loop expects.
> - Keith
> On Oct 11, 1:18 am, Keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It looks to me like this is what is happening, but it's very
> > strange...
> > Even when no users are associated I'm getting 8 blank associated users
> > which is exactly how many elements are in the array...
> > So...
> > It looks like it's taking the first character from each part of the
> > first entry in the array and putting it there...
> > K = Keith = First Name
> > M = Medlin = Last Name
> > etc. for each of the fields.
> > So...I'm totally confused why the following code would produce that:
> > SQL Query:
> > SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`first_name`, `User`.`last_name`,
> > `User`.`email`, `User`.`date_created`, `User`.`last_login`,
> > `User`.`username`, `User`.`password`, `ProjectsUser`.`user_id`,
> > `ProjectsUser`.`project_id` FROM `users` AS `User` JOIN
> > `projects_users` AS `ProjectsUser` ON (`ProjectsUser`.`project_id` = 1
> > AND `ProjectsUser`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1
> > Which returns a normal looking data set in SQL...
> > Relevant View Code:
> > <?php
> >                 $i = 0;
> >                 foreach ($project['User'] as $user):
> >                         $class = null;
> >                         if ($i++ % 2 == 0) {
> >                                 $class = ' class="altrow"';
> >                         }
> >                 ?>
> >                 <tr<?php echo $class;?>>
> >                         <td><?php echo $user['id'];?></td>
> >                         <td><?php echo $user['first_name'];?></td>
> >                         <td><?php echo $user['last_name'];?></td>
> >                         <td><?php echo $user['email'];?></td>
> >                         <td><?php echo $user['date_created'];?></td>
> >                         <td><?php echo $user['last_login'];?></td>
> >                         <td><?php echo $user['username'];?></td>
> >                         <td><?php echo $user['password'];?></td>
> > project['User'] is what you see dumped above the related users table
> > so you can see that the array doesn't look strange in any way.  Is
> > this possibly a bug that needs reporting to the CakePHP trac?
> > - Keith
> > On Oct 10, 11:58 pm, Keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Thanks for the response.
> > > The documents table exists but I'm not having any issues with that
> > > relationship as it's a simple has_many and belongs_to with my user
> > > model.
> > > The real issue is why, what appears to be a valid array is rendering
> > > the way it is in the related users table on the view for the projects
> > > page.
> > > To get the array that's there I just did a print_r on the $users array
> > > that is automatically generated by CakePHP.  As you can see there are
> > > no missing keys and the hash lines up correctly with the data.
> > > The thing I cannot figure out is why I have those garbage rows in the
> > > table.  My database is clean.  It has 3 users with normal looking
> > > data.  The projects_users join table is clean with:
> > > user_id | project_id
> > > 3 | 1
> > > 2 | 1
> > > The user_id associated with the table has a corresponding user as you
> > > can see in the array.  So I'm not sure why it's chunking up data that
> > > way it is in the related users table.
> > > Any ideas?  Or can you think of anything specifically I should check
> > > on outside of running the queries directly in SQL which I've done and
> > > they return the correct data.  I think the problem is in the view or
> > > how the users array is being interpreted possibly.
> > > - Keith
> > > On Oct 10, 6:48 pm, villas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi Keith
> > > > Not sure you've provided enough info here,  and what we see looks a
> > > > bit confusing.
> > > > Is there also a 'documents' table?
> > > > Did you set up a join table for the HABTM?
> > > > What is the logic of having a Project belonging to a User in addition
> > > > to using a join table so that many Projects may belong to a User?
> > > > Maybe what you have written makes more sense to others,  but it
> > > > suggests to me that you probably didn't read the book.cakephp.org
> > > > carefully enough.  Have a good look again at the Models section and
> > > > then post a followup question,  bearing in mind my comments above and
> > > > we can try our best to assist you better.
> > > > Kind regards.
> > > > On Oct 10, 9:44 pm, Keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I am running into a strange issue when I've got the following model
> > > > > structure:
> > > > > User:
> > > > > Has_Many: Projects
> > > > > HABTM: Projects
> > > > > Projects:
> > > > > Belongs_To: User
> > > > > HABTM: Users
> > > > > So...everything works fine.  When I create a new project and select
> > > > > multiple users they are indeed associated with the project as is the
> > > > > correct user who "owns' the project as per the Belongs_To model
> > > > > relationship.
> > > > > However...
> > > > > In the scaffolded view I get a really strange result that the SQL
> > > > > query doesn't actually generate when I run it in SQL...
> > > > > I get a really bizarre output in the Related Users.  Here's a
> > > > > screenshot:http://www.keithmedlin.com/habtm_error.png
> > > > > Any idea on why I've got what looks like a normal array rendering
> > > > > pretty garbled?
> > > > > I've run the SQL from the debug mode and the output looks exactly like
> > > > > I expect it should look with the 2 users Rich & Lisa associated with
> > > > > the document properly.
> > > > > Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to provide!
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