Matthieu wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm planning to make a web application, it's a kind of a social
> network. Would you know some guidelines to make this app from A to Z.
I want to build a space rocket, it's kind of a projectile... Just 
kidding. My point is you'll won't get much help by tossing a vague 
project idea on the list and expecting a how-to guide to just come out 
of the blue.
> Shall I start with the design, the data base or the php classes? Would
> you know a well-known model about it because I don't know where to
> start actually?
I take it you're not very familiar with CakePHP, I suggest you read 
through and try the tutorials in the example 
application section. That should get you up and running with CakePHP. 
Once you're ready to go on to your project, the natural way to get 
things done is:
1) Gather requirements / broad use cases. You'll end up with an idea of 
which pages you'll have and what they will do as well as an idea of what 
data you'll be handling. Don't try to be too thorough at this point or 
you'll be stuck here forever.
2) Sketch your database, use a graphical tool for this such as MySql 
Workbench. Pay attention to CakePHP conventions!
3) Pick a use case, bake the models you think you'll need for this use case
4) Scaffold your controller / views
5) Validate your model (i.e. make sure you're gathering all the required 
data for this particular use case and that the data is well related), 
repeat 2-4 until you're satisfied.
6) bake views and controllers, customize tem as necessary to fulfill 
this particular use case, don't be too rigorous on layout/design at this 
point, just make sure your views are well structured and functional
7) reevaluate your use cases, you'll probably find that you missed 
something, go back to 1 refine your use cases
8) repeat 1-7 until you run out of use cases
finally, once you're requirements are met, brush up your design and 
deploy your application.

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