Hi Mike,

I think the RC3 bake script still generates old style code, like the
following -

App::import('Model', 'Post');

class TestPost extends Post {
    var $cacheSources = false;
    var $useDbConfig  = 'test_suite';

class PostTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
    var $Post = null;
    var $fixtures = array('app.post', 'app.tag');

    function start() {
        $this->Post = new TestPost();

Unfortunately this old style is redundant and does not work with
associations (without some hacks). But GOOD news is that - Tim and Nate have
come up with an even better solution and that works with associations
flawlessly. Edit your test files and make it like the following - it's gonna
work like a charm.

App::import('Model', 'Post');

class PostTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
    var $Post = null;
    var $fixtures = array('app.post', 'app.tag');

    function start() {
        $this->Post =& ClassRegistry::init('Post');

Read Tim's blog on this for more info.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:18 AM, MikeB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having a problem with the Cake Test Suite throwing errors about
> HABTM join tables not being found. I've successfully recreated the
> problem on a much smaller scale.
> I've created a very basic 3 table database:
> posts (id, name)
> posts_tags (post_id, tag_id)
> tags (id, name)
> I've baked each model without incident. When I go to test.php and try
> to run the post.test.php test that was generated for me, it gives me
> this error:
> Error:  Database table posts_tags for model PostsTag was not found.
> I'm using a default AND test db connection.
> Cake 1.2 rc3
> CakePHP Test Suite v
> SimpleTest v1.0.1
> Keep in mind that I have not touched any of these files. They are all
> freshly baked out the oven.
> Any ideas?
> >

Anupom Syam

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