Fixed it!

I grabbed the nightly build for 1.2.x.x_31.10.2008 and everything is
going smoothly now. Thanks for the suggestions and link Anupom.

On Oct 31, 9:50 am, MikeB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Anupom,
> That got me past the missing table cake errors, but now 2/3 of the
> tests that cake generated are failing.
> Here is my post.test.php
> App::import('Model', 'Post');
> class PostTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
>         var $Post = null;
>         var $fixtures = array('');
>         function start() {
>                 parent::start();
>                 $this->Post = & ClassRegistry::init('Post');
>         }
>         function testPostInstance() {
>                 $this->assertTrue(is_a($this->Post, 'Post'));
>         }
>         function testPostFind() {
>                 $results = $this->Post->recursive = -1;
>                 $results = $this->Post->find('first');
>                 $this->assertTrue(!empty($results));
>                 $expected = array('Post' => array(
>                         'id'  => 1,
>                         'name'  => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
>                         ));
>                 $this->assertEqual($results, $expected);
>         }
> }
> The two cases that fail both reference testPostFind(). After a little
> poking around, $this->Post->find('first') does not return anything at
> all. The sql queries insert my data from the fixture and truncate it 3
> times before finally dropping the tables. However, the query that I
> believe is being generated from find('first') is being run on my
> default connection, as opposed to the test connection. Shouldn't this
> query be run on the test database since that's where the dummy data is
> being inserted?
> Any help is appreciated.
> On Oct 31, 12:48 am, Anupom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> > I think the RC3 bake script still generates old style code, like the
> > following -
> > App::import('Model', 'Post');
> > class TestPost extends Post {
> >     var $cacheSources = false;
> >     var $useDbConfig  = 'test_suite';
> > }
> > class PostTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
> >     var $Post = null;
> >     var $fixtures = array('', 'app.tag');
> >     function start() {
> >         parent::start();
> >         $this->Post = new TestPost();
> >     }
> > .....
> > .....
> > .....
> > Unfortunately this old style is redundant and does not work with
> > associations (without some hacks). But GOOD news is that - Tim and Nate have
> > come up with an even better solution and that works with associations
> > flawlessly. Edit your test files and make it like the following - it's gonna
> > work like a charm.
> > App::import('Model', 'Post');
> > class PostTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
> >     var $Post = null;
> >     var $fixtures = array('', 'app.tag');
> >     function start() {
> >         parent::start();
> >         $this->Post =& ClassRegistry::init('Post');
> >     }
> > .....
> > .....
> > .....
> > Read Tim's blog on this for more 
> > info.
> > On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:18 AM, MikeB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm having a problem with the Cake Test Suite throwing errors about
> > > HABTM join tables not being found. I've successfully recreated the
> > > problem on a much smaller scale.
> > > I've created a very basic 3 table database:
> > > posts (id, name)
> > > posts_tags (post_id, tag_id)
> > > tags (id, name)
> > > I've baked each model without incident. When I go to test.php and try
> > > to run the post.test.php test that was generated for me, it gives me
> > > this error:
> > > Error:  Database table posts_tags for model PostsTag was not found.
> > > I'm using a default AND test db connection.
> > > Cake 1.2 rc3
> > > CakePHP Test Suite v
> > > SimpleTest v1.0.1
> > > Keep in mind that I have not touched any of these files. They are all
> > > freshly baked out the oven.
> > > Any ideas?
> > --
> > Anupom Syam
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