Indeed, the beforeLayout() callback doesn't seem to work.

If works if you put it in afterRender() though:
(tested this time)

(same usage)


On Nov 13, 10:13 am, i_Am_ToO_SeXy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi grigri
> Thanks for the reply.
> I followed your suggestions but i can't get the code work.
> No errors but also no outputs :\
> BTW i modified a little bit the layout code
>         <body>
>                 <div id="container">
>                         <div id="header"><?php if (isset($header_for_layout)) 
> { echo
> $header_for_layout; } ?></div>
>                         <div id="leftbar"><?php if 
> (isset($leftbar_for_layout)) {  echo
> $leftbar_for_layout; } ?></div>
>                         <div id="rightbar"><?php if 
> (isset($rightbar_for_layout)) {  echo
> $rightbar_for_layout; } ?></div>
>                         <div id="content"><?php if 
> (isset($content_for_layout)) {  echo
> $content_for_layout; } ?></div>
>                         <div id="footer"><?php if (isset($footer_for_layout)) 
> {  echo
> $footer_for_layout; } ?></div>
>                 </div>
>         </body>
> Sorry for my n00bness :(
> On 12 Nov, 17:55, grigri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Off the top of my head, I'd suggest using a helper combined with
> > output buffering, like this:
> > class ChunksHelper extends AppHelper {
> >   var $chunkId = null;
> >   var $append = false;
> >   var $buffer = array();
> >   function begin($chunkId, $append = false) {
> >     if (empty($this->chunkId)) {
> >       $this->chunkId = $chunkId;
> >       $this->append = $append;
> >       ob_start();
> >     }
> >   }
> >   function end() {
> >     if (!empty($this->chunkId)) {
> >       $contents = ob_get_clean();
> >       if ($this->append) {
> >         if (isset($this->buffer[$this->chunkId])) {
> >           $this->buffer[$this->chunkId] .= $contents;
> >         }
> >         else {
> >           $this->buffer[$this->chunkId] = $contents;
> >         }
> >       }
> >       else {
> >         $this->buffer[$this->chunkId] = $contents;
> >       }
> >       $this->chunkId = false;
> >     }
> >   }
> >   function beforeLayout() {
> >     $View =& ClassRegistry::getObject('View');
> >     foreach($this->buffer as $key => $value) {
> >       $View->set($key . '_for_layout', $value);
> >     }
> >   }
> > }
> > Then in your view:
> > <?php $chunks->begin('rightbar'); ?>
> > This will end up in the right bar
> > <?php $chunks->end(); ?>
> > (The code might need a bit of modifying; I just wrote it quickly, but
> > the idea is sound. You'll definitely want to add error-checking)
> > hth
> > grigri
> > On Nov 12, 4:11 pm, i_Am_ToO_SeXy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello all.
> > > First time posting here.
> > > I have a 3-column layout where the 3rd column is intended to be a
> > > menu.
> > > here's the code
> > > <html xmlns=""; lang="en" xml:lang="en">
> > >         <head>
> > >                 <?php
> > >                         echo $scripts_for_layout;
> > >                         echo $html->css("green", "stylesheet");
> > >                 ?>
> > >                 <title>Erny - <?php echo $title_for_layout; ?></title>
> > >         </head>
> > >         <body>
> > >                 <div id="container">
> > >                         <div id="header"><?php echo $header_for_layout; 
> > > ?></div>
> > >                         <div id="leftbar"><?php echo $leftbar_for_layout; 
> > > ?></div>
> > >                         <div id="rightbar"><?php echo 
> > > $rightbar_for_layout; ?></div>
> > >                         <div id="content"><?php echo $content_for_layout; 
> > > ?></div>
> > >                         <div id="footer"><?php echo $footer_for_layout; 
> > > ?></div>
> > >                 </div>
> > >         </body>
> > > </html>
> > > The right menu should change his html code based on the current view.
> > > I googled a lot but the only way i found is to use a Helper inside the
> > > controller... that's not very MVC-ish...
> > > So... is there any better way? :)
> > > Thanks in advance.
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