For me a clean API that is easy to use is something that I would want
in a CMS.  Many of the popular CMS have very complicated API's or
multiple API's which are confusing.  As for theming, keep it simple.
I'm not familiar with the mambo code base, but I despise non PHP
templates. It just makes things complicated and slower.

I guess my ideal cms would be one that didn't use crazy complicated
callback systems with hard to discover override names.  Kept many of
the core cake functions, used plain PHP templates with cake's core
helpers, and some extra spice from the mambo team.  Supported i18n out
of the box. Allowed the end client to easily do the things they needed
to (update content) and allowed me to do my job (build the darn

But you guys know CMS systems probably far better than than any of
us.  So I'm sure you'll come up with a good solution?  One question is
how are you going to migrate the large code base of contributed
modules (or whatever they are called) into mambo 5?


On Nov 19, 9:47 am, andphe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, I'm on Mambo Dev team, and we realize that while we are
> planning our major rewrite of Mambo based on CakePHP, we are not
> hearing what the CakePHP community have to say.
> Specifically it would be good to have a brainstorm here, about what
> the CakePHP users/developers expect on a cake based CMS.
> So, go ahead, lets have fun....
> Andrés
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