Sorry for writing something that looked like griping!  I was
absolutely NOT complaining about how the Auth Component works -- even
though a year ago, I did once make this complaint.

On the other hand, it is nice to have such a nicely worded explanation
of why this "feature" is not in the core code.

I am in agreement with the idea that it is generally not necessary to
use the ACL Component to protect items at a record level.

Usually just using an author_id field will be enough.


On Nov 20, 6:18 am, mark_story <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 20, 4:23 am, eMarcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Mark,
> > Thanks for your answer!
> > When you follow the conversation right from the beginning, you will
> > see, that I definitly KNOW that controller/actions/id access does not
> > help me and that I therefore want to use your proposed schema of
> > models/records to protect my content.
> My apologies for the rant then,  just I've heard that gripe so many
> times, I've gotten quite tired of it.
> > However, what confused me as a beginner was, that in all the official
> > documentation there where only examples of "the easy way".
> The reason for this is that many people find the concept of ACL
> complicated enough without further muddying the issue with row level
> permissions and multiple checks across multiple branches of the aco
> tree.
> > My intention was to ask for the "best practice" for providing access
> > on a model/record level.
> > I already implemented the ACO tree as you proposed (I have a "models"
> > hive where all records get its entry).
> > As Mark explained, I have to do the permission check manually. Fine, I
> > can do this using $this->Acl->check() Doing this in the controller
> > would work, but seems to be quite complicate as I do combined queries
> > from different models. So I get a result of :
> > result = array (
> >   [model0] => array (
> >     [field0] => value,
> >     [field1] => value,
> >     ...),
> >   [model2] => array (...)
> >   [model3] => array (...)
> > )
> > now, if the user has i.e. read permissions for model2 but not for
> > model0 and model3, how would I do that? Check manually all entries and
> > delete the ones he does not have permissons on?
> Yes if you want a complicated CRUD perm system then you will need to
> do checks on all the records you wish to display / edit and then
> filter the records going out to the view.  Complicated permission
> systems can be complicated.  However, you should be able to abstract
> most of the work into a component I would think.
> In the past when I've had owner/non-owner based permissions I would
> just make model methods to check if the owner of a record was correct
> and then allow/deny based on that.  But if your requirements are more
> complicated, you will need a more complicated system.
> > Is there a "Best Practice" how to deal with that?
> My thoughts would be try to abstract all of this row permission
> checking logic into a component that will make the rest of development
> easier.  Something like
> SuperAcl->checkRows($dataRows, $userData)
> or
> SuperAcl->checkRow($row, $userData)
> As long as you set some sort of convention it should work well.
> -Mark
> > Thanks,
> > bye
> > me.
> > On Nov 20, 5:28 am, mark_story <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > This can be done with the ACL but you need to do the check manually.
> > > It may seem like a good idea to have an ACL tree that looks like
> > > controller/action/id
> > > but that is setting yourself up for an epic fail.  If you ever need to
> > > add an action you need to copy all the record nodes and set new
> > > perms.  If you make a record in a controller with 10 actions, you now
> > > need 10 records. It gets insane very quickly.  Some quick math also
> > > shows this is the wrong approach.
> > > 150 records x 8 actions x 10 controllers = 12000 ACO elements.
> > > This is a very conservative estimate, as most applications have far
> > > greater amounts of data than.  A further indication of a wrong
> > > approach is that this system and any proposed changes to the
> > > AuthComponent fall short under the following circumstances:
> > >  * when an action needs to edit more than one row
> > >  * when an action needs to display more than one row
> > >  * when an action needs to work on a record and its related records.
> > > There are probably more that I didn't think of but in all cases
> > > controller/action/id is a recipe for disaster.
> > > A better approach in my opinion is to keep your controller/action
> > > perms separate from your model record permissions, and do the check
> > > manually. If you application is sophisticated enough to require these
> > > advanced permission settings, it can stomach a few extra method calls.
> > > I would use a tree like
> > > app
> > > -- controllers
> > > ---- posts
> > > ------ index
> > > ------ add
> > > ------ edit
> > > ---- comments
> > > ------- index
> > > ------- edit
> > > ------- view
> > > -- models
> > > ---- post
> > > ------ 1
> > > ------ 2
> > > ---- comment
> > > ------- 1
> > > ------- 2
> > > and so on.  Another option is to use the idea of 'roles' for all your
> > > access control and assign permissions with those.
> > > Sorry if I ranted a bit there, but I'm tired of people belly aching
> > > that controller/action/id doesn't work when it is obviously the
> > > totally wrong solution for the problem. And anyone who thinks it is a
> > > great idea should go for it, and report back in a year or so after
> > > their app runs into scaling issues because the ACL is ridiculously
> > > complicated and impossible to deal with.
> > > -Mark
> > > On Nov 19, 9:55 am, eMarcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I want to use the ACL component to control access of users to model
> > > > data.
> > > > I built up AROs, ACOs and permissions so far.
> > > > 1.) does the ACL component automatically check if a user has an UPDATE
> > > > right on save operations?
> > > > 2.) if not, where would be the best place to perform that check? (in a
> > > > callback function in the model itself, in the controller?)
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > bye
> > > > me.
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