Yeah I had the correct controller. What happened is that I didn't pass
a variable I was using within the default.ctp into the action. This
caused a bunch of errors.

The second thing I didn't do is that I wasn't using the html and
JavaScript helpers to include the CSS and JavaScript files correctly
and that was causing the layout error.

Once I fixed that everything worked out just fine.

- Tony

On Dec 7, 9:42 pm, thatsgreat2345 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you have a controller called businesses_controller.php and in that
> a function called thank_you?
> On Dec 7, 9:37 pm, Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm in the process of creating a website that is for my affiliates and
> > their information is stored into a model called 'User' and I have a
> > controller called businesses with two actions;  index and thank_you.
> > When a prospect lands onto the page they are given a sales letter and
> > a form to fill out. This form will use the User model but I want it to
> > submit to the businesses thank_you action.
> > I'm putting the prospects information into the Users model because
> > they could be converted into an affiliate.
> > Where I'm having the problem is that currently my form code looks like
> > this:
> > ===CODE===
> > echo $form->create('User', array('url' => '/businesses/thank_you'));
> > echo $form->hidden('parent_id', array('value' => $member['User']
> > ['affiliate_number']));
> > echo '<span class="required">*</span> <span>Name:</span>';
> > echo $form->input('first_name', array('label' => false, 'size' =>
> > 20));
> > echo '<span class="required">*</span> <span>Email:</span>';
> > echo $form->input('email', array('label' => false, 'size' => 20));
> > echo '<br />';
> > echo '<span><strong>Phone: <em>(optional, for those who really want
> > change)</em></strong></span><br />';
> > echo $form->input('phone', array('label' => false));
> > echo '<br />';
> > echo $form->end(array('label' => 'I Want Change in My Life'));
> > ===CODE===
> > The problem is that when I submit this form the url at the top is
> > correct:
> > But I get this error:
> > Not Found
> > Error: The requested address '/businesses/thank_you' was not found on
> > this server.
> > What am I doing wrong here?
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