Hmm...are you sure you linked the right podcast? That seemed to be
only about formHelper. I listened to the whole thing and didn't hear
anything related to setting up models without tables.

Does anyone know how to check some sort of diagnostics on a model at
runtime to see if the parameters are even being loaded correctly? I
tried for instance, making a simple controller/model combination and
then using Debugger:dump(); However, the output doesn't seem to show
that the table name was changed at runtime.  Here's the code for the
controller, model, and the output of the dump:

class PostsController extends AppController {
        function index() {
                $this->set('posts', 'test');

class Post extends AppModel
        var $useTable = 'reports';

AppModel::$useDbConfig = "default"
AppModel::$useTable = "posts"
AppModel::$displayField = "title"
AppModel::$id = false
AppModel::$data = array
AppModel::$table = "posts"
AppModel::$primaryKey = "id"
AppModel::$_schema = array
AppModel::$validate = array
AppModel::$validationErrors = array
AppModel::$tablePrefix = ""
AppModel::$name = "Post"
AppModel::$alias = "Post"
AppModel::$tableToModel = array
AppModel::$logTransactions = false
AppModel::$transactional = false
AppModel::$cacheQueries = false
AppModel::$belongsTo = array
AppModel::$hasOne = array
AppModel::$hasMany = array
AppModel::$hasAndBelongsToMany = array
AppModel::$actsAs = NULL
AppModel::$Behaviors = BehaviorCollection object
AppModel::$whitelist = array
AppModel::$cacheSources = true
AppModel::$findQueryType = NULL
AppModel::$recursive = 1
AppModel::$order = NULL
AppModel::$__exists = NULL
AppModel::$__associationKeys = array
AppModel::$__associations = array
AppModel::$__backAssociation = array
AppModel::$__insertID = NULL
AppModel::$__numRows = NULL
AppModel::$__affectedRows = NULL
AppModel::$_findMethods = array
AppModel::$_log = NULL

To me, it seems like my model isn't even being loaded at all. The dump
just seems to show the AppModel parameters, and not anything of my
actual extended model Post. (note that $useTable is 'posts' and not
'reports', as I clearly set it in the model code) I must be doing
something wrong here.

On Dec 22, 8:50 pm, Webweave <> wrote:
> This podcast some info on
> what you need to do for this. There's a method you have to implement
> (sorry I didn't write it down).
> On Dec 22, 11:26 am, George <> wrote:
> > Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately it didn't seem to do
> > anything, and I still am getting a complaint that the reports table
> > for the Report model was not found. Here is the exact code in the
> > model:
> > <?php
> > class Report extends AppModel {
> >         var $useTable = false;
> >         public function getYearlySalesStats($year) {
> >                 return $this->query("EXECUTE report_SalesStats $year, 
> > NULL");
> >         }}
> > ?>
> > Annoying. The manual seems to say pretty cut and dry that by setting
> > the $useTable member equal to false, cake will ignore the table
> > requirement.
> > For more info, I'm running cake on fedora/apache, and using MSSQL
> > Server as my database.
> > On Dec 19, 12:59 am, Kappa <> wrote:
> > > Have you tried to reset the cache? Sometimes i have the same
> > > problem, and i solve it deleting the cache in /app/tmp/cache
> > > bye,
> > >    Andrea
> > > On Dec 18, 6:55 pm,George<> wrote:
> > > > Hello.
> > > > I'm pretty new to cake and am working on creating a reporting intranet
> > > > application. Basically I aggregate a bunch of data through views and
> > > > stored procedures on the database, and would like to build a "Report"
> > > > model that will just have a bunch of custom functions to run the
> > > > various stored procedures. As the functions would be returning
> > > > datasets in different forms (based on the various reports), I wouldn't
> > > > want this to actually be associated with any one table (the data is
> > > > aggregated from many tables).
> > > > I've read here that you can set the $useTable attribute in a model to
> > > > false and then cake won't try to locate the model in the database.
> > > > After setting $useTable to both false and null, I still have cake
> > > > complaining that it can't find the table reports in the database when
> > > > I call any action on the ReportsController.
> > > > Is there something else I need to set/do? Or should I not be even
> > > > using a model at all in this case, and query directly from the
> > > > controller? To me, it seemed like encapsulating all database calls in
> > > > models would be the best solution, but does anyone else with more cake
> > > > experience have an opinion?
> > > > Thanks.
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