That is coming from the email layout, which can be found at 
app/views/layouts/email/(html|text)/default.ctp. Here's what the stock 
html/default.ctp looks like:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">

    <title><?php echo $title_for_layout;?></title>

    <?php echo $content_for_layout;?>

    <p>This email was sent using the <a 
href="";>CakePHP Framework</a></p>

Remove or replace the link and you're good to go.
The xmailer property on the other hand will show up in the header:

Subject: The subject
X-Mailer: CakePHP Email Component
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="alt-"
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 02:03:57 -0430 (VET)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

xeroxss wrote:
> Hi Bernardo, thanks for the reply maybe in other versions the xmailer
> property is tucked away. but this time it's showing on the email body.
> and not on the header. Below is what I get from the mailer. I'm using
> the latest version of cake.
> Hi xeroxss,
> Thank you for signing up in our service. To complete the sign up
> process please click on the link below:
> Confirm your account
> This email was sent using the CakePHP Framework
> This is what is inside my confirmation.ctp under the /app/views/
> elements/email/html/
> Hi <?php e($name); ?>,<br />
> Thank you for signing up in our service. To complete the sign up
> process please click on the link below:<br />
> <a href="http://<?php e($server_name) ?><?php e($html->url(array
> ('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'confirm'))) ?>/<?php e($id) ?>/
> <?php e($code) ?>">Confirm your account</a>
> Any other ideas?
> On Jan 5, 11:34 pm, Bernardo Vieira <> wrote:
>> It's not advisable to change code directly in cake's core files. Cake is
>> designed in a way that pretty much everything is customizable on a per
>> application basis. Furthermore the  xMailer property  is not actually
>> visible in the email body, it only appears in the email's headers which
>> are normally tucked away in most email clients so you shouldn't have to
>> worry about that. To adjust your email layouts you should edit
>> app/views/layouts/email/html/default.ctp and
>> app/views/layouts/email/text/default.ctp.
>> xeroxss wrote:
>>> Hi!, I'm new to Cake PHP and i'm trying to change the link in the
>>> email being sent by the cake php framework.
>>> I change the definition in the following line of the email.php in the
>>> /cake/libs/controller/components/email.php but I'm still seeing the
>>> same message even if  I deleted my cache. Is there additional files
>>> where I need to change it. Thanks!
>>> EmailComponent::$xMailer = 'CakePHP Email Component'
>>> Definition at line 192 of file email.php.
> >

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