Oh wow $displayField ....i would have never figured this out thanks a
lot grigri...:).....a lil more advice....where did u come by this one?

On Jan 12, 5:37 pm, grigri <j...@hendersonwebdesign.com> wrote:
> In your District model, add this line:
> class District extends AppModel {
>   var $displayField = 'district';
>   // ...
> }
> Now use find('list') and it will work fine.
> To avoid unnecessary code, you can just do this:
> [controller]
> $this->set('districts', $this->District->find('list'));
> [view]
> echo $form->input('district_id');
> From this the `districts` variable will be used automatically to get
> populate the dropdown. It's all in the naming!
> hth
> grigri
> On Jan 12, 12:10 pm, forrestgump <vikhya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  Been a while since i posted here....i ran into a problem and needed
> > some help...I have two tables as follows:
> > table1:
> > name:districts
> > fields:id,district
> > table2:
> > name:mandals
> > fields:id,mandal,district_id
> > as you might have guessed i have associated the two tables with the
> > help of foreign key "district_id". I manually entered the values and
> > with the help of the values into the tables as:
> > table1:
> > id:1
> > district:Nizamabad
> > table2:
> > id:1
> > mandal:Bhongir
> > district_id:1
> > with the help of the belongsTo relationship as defined below
> >  var $belongsTo = array('District' =>
> >                             array('className'  => 'District',
> >                                   'conditions' => '',
> >                                   'order'      => '',
> >                                   'foreignKey' => 'district_id'
> >                             )
> >                       );
> > i was able to properly display the name of the district in a simple
> > table in a view by using the code below
> > <table>
> >         <tr>
> >                 <th>Sno.</th>
> >                 <th>District</th>
> >                 <th>Mandal</th>
> >                 <th>Action</th>
> >         </tr>
> >         <!-- Here is where we loop through our $mandals array, printing out
> > mandal info -->
> >         <?php $i=1; ?>
> >         <?php foreach ($mandals as $mandal): ?>
> >         <tr>
> >          <td><?php echo $i++; ?></td>
> >          <td><?php echo $mandal['District']['district']; ?></td>
> >          <td><?php echo $mandal['Mandal']['mandal']; ?></td>
> >          <td><?php echo $html->link('Edit', 
> > "/mandals/edit/".$mandal['Mandal']
> > ['id']); ?></td>
> >         </tr>
> >         <?php endforeach; ?>
> > </table>
> > I wish to now create a form which contains the following fields and
> > save the data into table2(mandals):
> > Mandal Name:
> > Districts:
> > I want the Districts field to be a dropdown list which is populated
> > with the name of the districts, but i want the corresponding id of the
> > district to be stored in table2 district_id field when the save button
> > is clicked.
> > Will appreciate any help that can be offered ive been trying to figure
> > something out since 3 days...i tried using:
> > $this->set('districtslist', $this->District->find('list'));
> > along with  echo $form->select('district_id',$districtslist,null,array
> > (),'select one');
> > but i end up populating the select list with the id's of the
> > districts. by using
> > $this->set('districtslist', $this->District->find('all'));
> > the select list gets populated with the data of all the fields from
> > both the tables.
> > Please Help!!!!!!
> > Thanks in advance,
> > forrestgump
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