On Jan 15, 1:03 pm, "David Coleman" <david.cole...@connaxis.com>
> Do you need checkboxes from multiple tables?  

No. The checkboxes in this case only pertain to my aliquots table so
that users can assign them to a box, which is in turn assigned to a
freezer. But in order to identify where the aliquots go, there are a
few fields from my specimens table (blood comes in as a specimen and
is then divided into aliquots) that I'd like to display in the label.

If so you need to use the
> trick I posted earlier today to make the hidden elements not be duplicated.
> Overload your form.php in your app/views/helpers folder.
> What you are doing is similar to a recent application that I wrote, in which
> I developed this extention to the form->input method to accomplish just this
> effect.
> See the message "re: Ticket #5577 (new Enhancement)"  If this is what you
> need.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cake-php@googlegroups.com [mailto:cake-...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
> Of Tony Thomas
> Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:52 PM
> To: CakePHP
> Subject: Re: Label information for Multiple Checkboxes
> The complicating factor here is that Aliquot belongs to Specimen in my
> model and I want to display some information from both tables:
> Specimen.type, Specimen.draw_date, Aliquot.additive & etc. It looks
> more and more like I'm going to have to put that information in an
> array and loop through it, building each checkbox one at a time
> instead of my example below. Or am I missing something?
> On Jan 15, 11:01 am, grigri <j...@hendersonwebdesign.com> wrote:
> > You need to set the $displayField property inside your `Aliquot` model
> > to whatever field you want for the label.
> > On Jan 15, 4:47 pm, Tony Thomas <truet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I'm building a list of checkboxes like so:
> > > echo $form->input('Aliquot.id', array( 'label' => FALSE,
> > >                                                                        
>         'type' => 'select',
> > >                                                                        
>         'multiple' => 'checkbox',
> > >                                                                        
>         'options' => $aliquots));
> > > echo $form->input('box_id', array('options' => $boxes));
> > > $aliquots above is built from $this->Aliquot->find('list', $options);
> > > which finds all the ids of the pertinent records. The problem I have
> > > this this only generates a list of ids. Is there good way to load an
> > > array for 'label' so that I can display more than just the list of ids?
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