// controller
$aliquots = $this->Aliquot->find('all', array(
  'conditions' => whatever,
  'fields' => array(
  'recursive' => 0
$this->set('aliquots', Set::combine($aliquots,
    '{0} [{1} / {2}]', // Format
    '{n}.Aliquot.additive', // Field #0
    '{n}.Specimen.type', // Field #1
    '{n}.Specimen.draw_date' // Field #2
// view
echo $form->input('Aliquot', array('options' => 'aliquots', 'multiple'
=> 'checkbox'));

Alternatively, if you want the checkboxes grouped - say by specimen
type, then use this:

$this->set('aliquots', Set::combine($aliquots,
    '{0} [{1} / {2}]', // Format
    '{n}.Aliquot.additive', // Field #0
    '{n}.Specimen.type', // Field #1
    '{n}.Specimen.draw_date' // Field #2
// view
echo $form->input('Aliquot', array('options' => 'aliquots', 'multiple'
=> 'checkbox'));


On Jan 20, 2:32 pm, Tony Thomas <truet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 12:22 am, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think you could probably easily build the structure you want using
> > Set in afterFind() (if not in the find itself). Can you post an
> > example  of the sort of array you would need if you were, say,
> > displaying each option in an html table? Like if you did a straight
> > find('all', $your_conditions).
> Just to keep it simple, I've only got two fields in my 'find' until I
> work out the logic. Once I have that worked out, I should be able to
> open it up to however many fields I want.
> $aliquots = $this->Aliquot->find(
>                                                 'all',
>                                                 array('fields' => array(
>                                                         'Aliquot.id',
>                                                         'Specimen.type'),
>                                                         'conditions' => 
> 'Aliquot.box_id IS NULL', 'limit' => '0, 100',
> 'recursive' => 2
>                                                         )
>                                                 );
> $this->set('aliquots', $aliquots);
> Then in the view:
> echo $form->input('Aliquot', array( 'label' => false,
> 'type' => 'select',
> 'multiple' => 'checkbox',
> 'options' => $aliquots));
> The problem is that 'options' above doesn't seem to display a nested
> array correctly. It's fine if I only define a single field in my find,
> but since it uses the array for the labels as well as the value for
> each checkbox, I can't define more information there to be displayed
> only in the label. At least I haven't figured out how.
> I could loop through and define each checkbox separately, but making a
> multiple selection is difficult in that scenario unless I abandon the
> form helpers altogether and just hand code the form.
> > On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Tony Thomas <truet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I follow you up to this bit:
> > >> <?php
> > >> echo $form->input(
> > >>       'Category',
> > >>       array(
> > >>             'type'=>'select',
> > >>             'multiple'=>'checkbox',
> > >>             'options'=>$ids,
> > >>             'label'=>false
> > >>             )
> > >>       );
> > >> ?>
> > > This doesn't seem to solve the problem of getting the other
> > > information into my label. In fact, it's the exact method I'm using
> > > now. I understand using $this->find('all', $options) and extract() to
> > > separate the ids from the rest of the information, but how do I get
> > > the other information displayed in my form? This method still leaves
> > > me with checkboxes and ids, but no other info.
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