I moved all of this code into the controller and did queries on the
data instead of if statements in the view and also did the writes to
the database in the controller and it all works.  Lesson is you can't
write to the database from the view file...

On Jan 15, 1:38 am, "xybersoftw...@gmail.com"
<xybersoftw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jon,
> Thanks for your detailed help.
> One thing I might not have made clear is that my view/filtering form
> has only one check box and the check box is not connected to each
> record.  And I have other fields in the form that let me filter the
> records that I am looking for.  Once the user has filtered the records
> he wants to modify, then he finally checks the 'Mark records shown'
> check box and then clicks the submit button to mark only the records
> that are showing with todays date in a date field for each record
> shown. Although Ajax would be nice to have, it is not necessary if I
> can just get the data to show properly after the change with a
> refresh...So I think I need an array of shown records that gets built
> as the records are filtered and then use that array to update the
> records from the controller...So I guess the question now is how do I
> build the data array manually from the view file...
> view/process_member.thtml
> for ()
> {
>    if ($chkMark=='1')
>    {
>       // Mark selected months
>       if($chkMonth1=='on')
>          //*** If the next line would write to the database it would
> work but it doesn't write to the database
>          $subscription['Subscription']['month1_mailinginfo_sent']=date
> ('Y-m-d');
>          // So I guess I need to build an array here and then use that
> in the controller to update the datbase
> THAT??
> ***
>    }
> On Jan 14, 10:45 pm, "Jon Bennett" <jmbenn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi xybersoftware,
> > >  My form does not have any editable fields...
> > >  I only want to change certain fields of the records that are shown in
> > >  the view if a user checks a check box and clicks submit...
> > >  If the user checks the box then I want to mark all the records that
> > >  are shown with todays date...
> > >  I guess the question now is how do I post the data from the view so
> > >  that in the controller so I can update the database...
> > if you want to do this _without_ a page refresh, you'll have to do so
> > via an AJAX request. This requires all the same logic and controller
> > code as a normal save from a form, there's no shortcut!
> > The functions you need are:
> > controller method which accepts POST data ($this->data)
> > model method which saves POST data
> > prototype/jquery/mootools javascript code to submit the form when a
> > checkbox is changed
> > in psyudeo code you want to:
> > * a html page which lists all your items inside a single form
> > * each item in the html page has a checkbox, which has a unique ID and
> > name. The ID of the checkbox should correspond to the record, eg the
> > ID (primary key) of the record
> > * the form submits to a controller method, say 
> > /my_controller/update_all_records
> > * this controller method calls a (custom) model method, 
> > Model->updateAll($data)
> > * Model->updateAll() loops over the data, and all records that have a
> > checked checkbox are updated
> > * back to your view, you have some javascript which is listening to
> > the 'onchange' event for all your checkboxes
> > * when a checkbox is changed, some more javascript creates a http post
> > request to another controller method, update_record
> > * the controller method calls a corresponding model method,
> > Model->updateRecord($data);
> > * your model method validates the data, and if it's ok and the
> > checkbox is checked, it updates the date field
> > That's about the size of it - good luck!
> > Hope this helps
> > Jon
> > ps: if you don't need a degradable non-javascript version, you can
> > skip all the 'update all records' stuff above
> > --
> > jon bennett
> > w:http://www.jben.net/
> > iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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