I think I've figured it out:

1) the requestAction call in the page element is not neccessary - the
data is already available from the first pass through the controller
2) the reason my code was not completing was that the iCalcreator's
returnCalendar() method ends in die() (why would this be a good

Once I: removed the requestAction call in the element file; rewrote
the calendar rendering helper to use iCalcreator::createCalendar which
doesn't die at the end; and set the layout in my controller ($this-
>layout = "ical";); then all seems well.

On Jan 26, 2:52 pm, BenL <benjamin.d....@gmail.com> wrote:
> My app uses ical-like events and I'd like to make these events
> available for subscription from Google Calendar, Apple iCal, etc. The
> guide athttp://www.365webapplications.com/2009/01/09/cakephp-calendar/
> helped me set up iCalcreator as a Helper.
> However I'm confused on use of a view template vs. element: from the
> Cake doc, I would have expected to use a template that defines the
> overall layout (in this case, it would be empty as iCalcreator's
> render takes care of everything); then the view would create an
> iCalcreator object from the data provided by the controller and render
> it to $content_for_layout.
> However, the 365webapplications approach invokes the controller action
> via a requestAction in an element, the element then creates the
> iCalcreator object renders it. No template is used. When I do this, I
> find that the controller action gets called twice, and seems to get
> cut off prematurely:
> i.e. my controller and element (simplified):
> controllers/events_controller.php:
> <?
> class EventsController extends AppController {
>     function ical() {
>         $this->helpers[] = 'ICal';  // pull in the i_cal helper
>         $this->Event->recursive = 0;    // don't need associated data
>         $events = $this->Event->find('all');
>         // called via a requestAction?
>         if (isset($this->params['requested']))  {
>             echo "controllers/events_controller: requested<p>";
>             return $events;
>         }
>         echo "controllers/events_controller, setting events<p>";
>         $this->set('events', $events);
>         echo "controllers/events_controller, done<p>";
>     }}
> ?>
> views/elements/events.ctp
> <?php
>     echo "views/elements/events.ctp 1<p>";
>     $events = $this->requestAction('events/ical');
>     echo "views/elements/events.ctp 2<p>";
>     $iCal->create();
>     echo "views/elements/events.ctp 3<p>";
>     foreach($events as $e)
>     {
>         $iCal->addEvent(
>             $e['Event']['datestart'],
>             $e['Event']['dateend'],
>             $e['Event']['summary'],
>             $e['Event']['description']
>         );
>     }
>     $iCal->render();
>     echo "<p>views/elements/events.ctp 4<p>";
> ?>
> views/events/ical.ctp:
> <?php
> echo "views/events/ical.ctp start<p>";
> //echo $this->element('events', array('cache'=>'+1 hour'));
> echo $this->element('events');
> echo "views/events/ical.ctp end<p>";
> ?>
> Now, when I call the action, I get:
> controllers/events_controller, setting events
> controllers/events_controller, done
> views/events/ical.ctp start
> views/elements/events.ctp 1
> controllers/events_controller: requested
> views/elements/events.ctp 2
> views/elements/events.ctp 3
> <then some warnings about "cannot modify header" - which is fine as
> I'm just debugging now, and the output of iCal->render>
> <and that's it: the line in the element after the render doesn't get
> called, nor does the line after the 'echo $this->element('events');'
> in the view>
> Is the above the best way to output non-HTML?
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