Those benchmarks are flawed and unreliable because I think that the author
do not know know to set up benchmarks correctly. He even doesn't care about
framework life cycle. Moreover, IMO, Yii is hard to extend.

On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 12:44 PM, chanon <> wrote:

> I know there has been another thread about this, but I want to say
> that newcomers looking at
> might be afraid of investing into using CakePHP 1.2.
> From those numbers, Yii with APC on is about 10x faster than CakePHP
> (!?)
> Even compared to CakePHP 1.1, CakePHP 1.2 with APC on is 5 times
> slower.
> I feel that maybe before the CakePHP developers rush to add even more
> features into 1.3, they might want to take a step back and look into
> improving the performance in 1.2.
> As someone said even though faster to develop with is good, but in the
> current economy people might be interested in saving on server costs
> too.
> The benchmark on that site doesn't include any database access, which
> is something I'd like to see. Maybe CakePHP would make it up when
> working with a large database?
> >


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