I was refering more to the website you linked to than to your post.

I really liked this guy:
"It is poorly written. Just look at those lengthy functions."
Say what?

And Cake is off the list... all the top ones new "un-heard-of"
frameworks :)
But look at the id's.

Zend is id 1 (quite natural to start with that one)
Cake is 2...

Make of that what you will.

On Feb 2, 3:46 pm, sunertl <sune...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, if is seemed I cried jihad, i made something wrong! Maybe because
> english is not my primary language...
> To be honest I do not give a **** about the rank of a framework or
> another. I use rankings like the mentioned one to look what is new in
> the field of frameworks. This way I discovered Yii and I like it. For
> small projects it seems a pretty good choice but for larger ones
> nothing beats Cake imho.
> I really hate those "my-os-is-better, my-framework-is-cooler, my-
> browser-is-safer"-discussions. everyone should test a few of the
> frameworks and use the one that fits his way of developing best.
> Rankings can only give you an overview.
> On 2 Feb., 14:04, Martin Westin <martin.westin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Why do I hear the cries of Jihad every time I read about this vs that
> > framework :)
> > If that website is a guide the the best framework, then these are the
> > very best short films and 
> > videos.http://www.youtube.com/browse?s=tr&c=0&l=&b=0
> > You decide popularity by voting and popular is not always the same as
> > good.
> > What I conclude is that Akelos have some very dedicated fans. That is
> > all.
> > On Feb 2, 1:26 pm, sunertl <sune...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I tested Yii for a while. It seems nice but not as fully featured as
> > > Cake. E.g. code generation is not even half as nice as in Cake -
> > > relations are made by hand in every model, controller, view. a little
> > > bit annoying. But it is fast as hell. I implemented a little project
> > > database which I also made in cake and (without optimizing the hell
> > > out of both frameworks) Yii kicks Cakes ass concerning speed of
> > > showing up a list of projects with data from a few related tables.
> > > BUT: the Yii implementation is only a subset of the Cake one as the
> > > latter is in use for over a year now and customized a LOT while the
> > > Yii is new and not very customized. So it is not an all fair
> > > competition.
> > > To round it up: I love Cake for the comfort in developing while Yii
> > > seems a little bit faster when the coding work is done.
> > > On 2 Feb., 01:11, yusuf widi <wmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi guyz... i got this somewhere on the net...
> > > >http://www.phpframeworks.com/top-10-php-frameworks/
> > > > Why they put cake php on the fifth place? i dont think we were worse 
> > > > than
> > > > those framework... :)
> > > > does anyone here have already done some research with those framework's
> > > > which is have higher place than CakePHP?.
> > > > for me, i had only done some research with Zend and CodeIgniter.
> > > > Thanks.
> > > > --http://www.wmonou.com
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