> Colour me confused, then. I have no idea how one would get Cake to use
> a view file at views/index.ctp short of changing the controller's
> $viewPath. Or, maybe this is something new to me.

Mate, it's not you it's me ..... I'm simply guessing at what's working
here to get my app to work.  I just assumed that I could get some data
on the homepage by using that file because that file renders the
homepage screen.  If there's something wrong with that, it's my lack
of understanding about how Cake works.  I have been searching for
several hours to figure out how to do this (including posting on
forums) and you are the only one that has shown enough knowledge and
helpfulness (is that a word?) to reply.

> You should begin with linking a route to a controller, then deal with
> the view for that action. I suspect that what you're trying to do is
> to access the RestaurantsController from a PagesController view. This
> is what requestAction() is for, though it's generally a good idea to
> avoid using it. There are other ways. For one thing, it sems like this
> table should be an element.
> What is the route you're using to fetch this page? And what's the URL?
> Is there some other controller involved?

It's all locally developed on my machine so far, so the link is
http://localhost/mysite/ and at that URL I see the /views/index.ctp
rendered properly.

Remember, I'm very new to this .... I'm trying to learn based on what
I want my project to do and using code that (usually) I'm copying from
a known source that works.
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