I used the form helper and it doesn't change anything.

My form looks like this:

$form->create('ImportFile', array('action' => 'add', 'type' => 'file')); 
  $form->file('ImportFile'); ?>

Which should and did work.

But now I get something like this in $_FILES:
Array (
   [data] => Array (
     [name] => Array (
       [ImportFile] => etc...

which looks perfectly fine.

But $this->data is empty.

djiize wrote:
> maybe see output of the Form Helper in general
> I think it's
> <input type="text" name="data[model][field]" />
> see "data[model][field]" here? you need to format your names this way
> to automatically populate $this->data var
> maybe just data[field] suffice, but I don't know as I always use
> FormHelper, you can try yourself
> On 4 fév, 08:05, Günther Theilen <thei...@eqi.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a little bit lost here, maybe someone can help.
>> A file upload on one of my sites (Cake 1.2) "suddenly" stopped working.
>> The method isn't used very often so I can't exactly say since when it
>> doesn't work anymore but I know that my hoster has moved to a new data
>> center and I suspect that something went wrong. But neither me nor my
>> hoster's technical support have any clue what could have happened.
>> The data send by the form just doesn't appear in $this->data anymore.
>> If I do a debug($_POST) or debug ($_FILES) in my controller after
>> sending the form I can see that the data is submitted but $this->data is
>> empty.
>> I usually use the form helper but I even tried to build the simplest
>> possible form by myself:
>> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"
>> action="/import_files/add">
>> <input name="importfile" type="file">
>> <br>
>> <input type="text" name="textfeld">
>> <br>
>> <input type="submit">
>> </form>
>> Same result. I get data in $_POST and in $_FILES but $this->data is
>> completely empty.
>> Any clues or hints where to look?
>> Regards
>> Guenther
> > 

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