Thanks for the pointer. I did previously try the way you pointed out
but it gave me the same error. Which kind of confused me even more. I
understand your side note and the concept. The reason I am using
rss_feed action instead of index.rss is because in my controller, the
index is a authentication restricted whereas the RSS feed is a public
access. Maybe I need to rethink my approach.

Thanks Eddie for the link. I took a quick look and it looks similar to
what I was doing. I'll check it in greater detail shortly.

Appreciate both your inputs.

On Feb 12, 5:06 am, Smelly_Eddie <> wrote:
> Maestro, I think this article may help you,
> Add RSS Feeds to your CakePHP 
> Models;
> On Feb 12, 6:32 am, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> > I am not really an expert on routing, but i'd say that you need to
> > specify ext => rss like this
> > Router::connect('/presses/rss', array('controller' => 'presses',
> >                                      'action' => 'rss_feed',
> >                                      'ext' => 'rss'
> >                                 ) );
> > Side note:
> > Since your action is called rss_feed I assume that you don't really
> > have a "standard" view for it, right? You only really need to mess
> > with parse extensions when you want the same action to render in more
> > than one way. For example if /presses/index lists all presses and /
> > presses/index.rss lists them in an rss feed. Same controller different
> > views.
> > On Feb 12, 3:12 am, maestro777 <> wrote:
> > > I'm trying to create an alternative routing for my RSS feed. In my
> > > Route config,  I have the following:
> > > Router::connect('/presses/rss', array('controller' => 'presses',
> > >                                      'action' => 'rss_feed',
> > >                                      'url' => array('ext' => 'rss')
> > >                                 ) );
> > > I have a  rss_feed action created in the Presses controller.
> > > I could get to the feed without problem using the url :
> > >          http://localhost/mysite/presses/rss_feed.rss
> > > But when I tried using the alternative route I have an error:
> > >      Error:  The view for PressesController::rss_feed() was not found.
> > > Apparently it was looking for the view at ..\mysite\app\views\presses
> > > \rss_feed.ctp instead of mysite\app\views\presses\rss\rss_feed.ctp
> > > I'd appreciate very much if someone should help shed some light on
> > > what I am not doing right. I have spent hours trying to figure this
> > > thing out without success.
> > > Thanks in advance.
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