Hi All,

I normally use __('string here') in my views, however in one particular case
it just made sense to use a foreach so I ended up with something like:


Of course cake i18n extract doesn't like that, and I don't mind adding them
manually as it's a special one-off case, but how? I can't just edit the .pot
file since the next time I run cake extract it will just overwrite my
changes (even if I tell it to merge). Editing the .po file directly doesn't
work either since poEdit will just say they are obsolete strings as they
don't exist in the .pot file.

Another situation one may face is when you use $form->inputs(), CakePHP
wraps the name of each field in the model with __() so basically if I have a
column called 'name', it will lookup 'Name' in the translation file. This is
another case where adding strings manually comes in handy (and CakePHP not
overwriting the .pot file and clearing them!)

Any ideas?


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