mscdex: Is that post supposed to explain something to me? If so, then
I'm afraid you will have to be a bit more descriptive.

I happily bow to those who know more than me (and I concede that is
most of the active members of the group, including yourself after
answering a unique id issue for me last week) but the book's example
for recursive does not contain a 'deep' belongsTo association and in
my experience no matter how high you set recursive Cake does not join
models that belongsTo an associated model.

If you check my profile you will see that I had a lot of issues with
this (mainly when trying to apply conditions on the deep table) and
thanks to teknoid's blog I found forcing joins to be the answer when I
wanted to apply conditions to my finds and contain to do the job well
for view type actions.  From my profile you will also spot that I have
helped a handful of others having similar issues.

If I am offering incorrect advice then please take the time to advise
me where I am going wrong.

Paul (WebbedIT)
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