On Feb 16, 12:29 pm, WebbedIT <p...@webbedit.co.uk> wrote:
> I happily bow to those who know more than me (and I concede that is
> most of the active members of the group, including yourself after
> answering a unique id issue for me last week) but the book's example
> for recursive does not contain a 'deep' belongsTo association and in
> my experience no matter how high you set recursive Cake does not join
> models that belongsTo an associated model.

Perhaps you have to have a hasOne or hasMany association to complement
the belongsTo? In the Cake project I am working on, when I've set the
recursive option high enough, it shows me the associated belongsTo
data for each item.

In my particular case, I have a model A that hasMany B and B belongsTo
A. When I did a A->find with recursive set to 1 or 2 (I forget which),
each B found for each A contained an array subindex with the data from
A (due to the belongsTo association and thus effectively being
duplicate data in this case).
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