You could always add your own wrappers to your AppModel :-)

On Feb 16, 3:52 pm, leo <> wrote:
> > I could never remember the order of the many many
> > arguments to find and had to look them up at least once a day. Putting
> > them info an associative array helps me a lot because I don't have to
> > remember "pointless" index-numbers.
> I have the same problem the new way round. The associative array is
> good, but too often the documentation in the API lists options. What
> options? And when it actually tells you what they are, they're not
> necessarily all there, as with neighbours (in its non-English version
> of the spelling, neighbors).
> Also, I suffer bracket-and-comma blindness, so when I see more than
> one consecutive array, I can't see whether or not it is nested.
> I shouldn't have to delve into the code to find the correct args.
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