> http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/quick-tip-doing-ad-hoc-joins-...

Granted this gives great flexibility, but it doesn't really answer my
comment :
I'm not calling into question the new find functionality - that was
just an example. Look at the thread title and the first sentence of
the comment: I'm talking about deprecation: "but I don't really see
the sense in deprecating functions like findAll and findNeighbours".

They can coexist, but the deprecation tag implies they will be removed
in a later release. Should we then anticipate other deprecations such
as findAllBy ? These functions are so widely used that later upgrading
would be a BIG headache.

> But I soon realised that it's actually far more robust.

Are you suggesting that findAll isn't robust? Do you mean flexible?

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