Hello and thank you so much for your help!!


I took your advice and added the userid to the session, however, I'm
clearly doing something wrong because in the Supplier controller I
call the session with:
$userid = $this->Session->read('userid');

However in the view, I enter echo $userid;

and I receive the following error:
Notice (8): Undefined variable: userid [APP/views/suppliers/add.ctp,
line 6]

I realise this is most definately a newbie error, and I appreciate all
your patience!

Thanks again,

On Feb 25, 11:49 am, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Matt <mmanai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm new to CakePHP (but not PHP) and I have followed the 5 part series
> > by IBM to get me going on Cake PHP. I'm building a mini CMS for a
> > client, and I am stuck... here's how the system should work:
> > the client logs in and adds a supplier. The supplier is added to the
> > database and has a field user_id which needs to automatically populate
> > with the logged in user's id.
> > My problem is that when I try to get the userid, I get the following
> > error:
> > Notice (8): Undefined property: SuppliersController::$User [APP/
> > controllers/suppliers_controller.php, line 27]
> > Fatal error: Call to a member function findByUsername() on a non-
> > object in /var/www/online_contractors/app/controllers/
> > suppliers_controller.php on line 27
> > In the supplier controller I attempt to fetch the userid as so:
> > $results=$this->User->findByUsername($username);
> > $this->set('user', $results['User']);
> Are the User and Supplier models associated? If so, the proper way to
> call methods of User would be
> $this->Supplier->User->findByUserName($username);
> > The username is what gets written to session when logged in.
> You could also store the ID, name, etc. of the user in the session and
> avoid having to look it up later.

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