Are you inserting the first user by hand?

Try setting the password to the SH1 of the concatenation of the salt and the
password you want:

       $cipher_password = SHA1( $salt . $plain_password )

2009/3/3 aka <>

> Thing is that it does seem to work when my salt is empty... As
> mentioned before this is a new installation of both cake and the db.
> Really maddening!!
> On 27 feb, 17:00, Xoubaman <> wrote:
> > User table got username and password?
> >
> > Beforefilter ir correct?
> >
> > Do you allow the public actions in your controller?
> >
> > Auth is tricky, but following the tutorial step by step should work.
> >
> > On Feb 27, 4:40 pm, aka <> wrote:
> >
> > > I keep running in to this problem over and over again.
> >
> > > Whenever I implement the cakephp 1.2 Auth component I can'tlogin(and
> > > yes, I'm sure thelogincredentials are right). The password is saved
> > > with the sha1 algorithm and the salt value has been changed. New cake
> > > installation + a new database (workflow: setting up the db + tables,
> > > using the cake console to bake the necessary m/c/v's ) But when ever I
> > > try to log in I get the 'Loginfailed. Invalid username or password.'
> > > message.
> >
> > > Really hope someone can help me out here!
> > > Thanx
> >

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