Thanks Smelly. Actually, I did try both, and they gave me the same
result. The way I avoided the mixing of index.php page is that I
renamed index.php in cakephp to cakephp.php, and call that page in
jake component. But still exactly the same symptom. I actually tried a
few other ways, like put joomla files in a folder named joomla and put
it under webroot rather than directly copying joomla files to webroot,
etc. They all give the same error and symptom.

One thing I almost forgot and I guess is important: I suppose any
cakephp link originally in my cake application should be rewrite to a
joomla component link, right? So, in my original question, I said the
link is supposed to be "http://localhost/cake/about_us";, that's not
correct! It should actually be "http://localhost/joomla/index.php?
option=com_jake......./about_us. It seems to me that this simply
indicates jake's rewriting is wrong.

Still in need of help. Please....


On Mar 14, 9:10 am, Smelly Eddie <> wrote:
> I have to disagree with Brennen about one thing.
> For security reasons, it is recommended to have most of CakePHPs file
> (the core) *above* the webroot.
> Your servers (site's) document root should point to cake/app/webroot.
> That is where you should drop Joomla.
> visiting localhost/  would then show cake  localhost/about_us   would
> show your static page
> visiting localhost/joomla would then show Joomla.
> Just mixing joomla files into the webroot directory (as your second
> example above) would be troublesome because both the cake index and
> the joomla index will be competing. In your case it looks like you
> completing wrote over the cake index, which would explain the trouble.
> On Mar 13, 4:28 pm, Robin <> wrote:
> > Anybody can help please? Thanks so much!
> > Robin
> > On Mar 13, 1:08 am, Robin <> wrote:
> > > Hi Brendon, Thanks for the response. I am following the documentation
> > > on Jake's 
> > > website:
> > > It didn't specify whether joomla has to be installed under app\webroot
> > > or not. Since it does have a jake.ini configuration file, which allows
> > > me to put in the cakephp folder relative to the joomla folder I am
> > > guessing at least the component is trying to take care of the relative
> > > paths by itself.
> > > But I did try putting joomla in different locations. Here are a few
> > > examples I tried:
> > > 1. >htdoc
> > >        >cakephp
> > >           >app
> > >               >webroot
> > >           >cake
> > >        >joomla
> > >           >components
> > >               >jake
> > > 2. >htdoc
> > >        >cakephp
> > >           >app
> > >               >webroot
> > >                   >index.php (of joomla)
> > >                   >components (of joomla)
> > >                       >jake
> > >                   >administrator (of joomla)
> > >                   >other joomla folders and files
> > >           >cake
> > > Neither of them worked for me. Same error and same symptoms (like the
> > > missing "\cake" in the URL, etc)
> > > Any clue? Thanks again!
> > > Robin
> > > On Mar 12, 6:08 pm, Brendon Kozlowski <> wrote:
> > > > Robin, I won't be able to respond again (most likely) until Monday at
> > > > the earliest, but maybe someone else can help you if you provide some
> > > > more information.  It looks like your installation paths may be a
> > > > problem.  Can I ask what documentation you were following to get this
> > > > setup (source)?  Also, please give a textual example of your directory
> > > > structure, if possible.  CakePHP typically expects to be *below* the
> > > > web root, which is why you may be having issues if both Joomla and
> > > > CakePHP are at the same level (I haven't used Jake, but I'd think that
> > > > Joomla should be inside Cake's webroot folder?).
> > > > On Mar 12, 2:35 pm, Robin <> wrote:
> > > > > Hi everyone:
> > > > >      I am pretty new to cakephp. I am trying to use the Jake component
> > > > > to integrate it into cms. I am having some problems and just wondering
> > > > > if you guys can help.
> > > > >      My cakephp is version and joomla 1.5.9. Due to
> > > > > limited php knowledge, I am trying to avoid upgrading cake. Since I am
> > > > > using xampp on my own computer right now, so mod_rewrite is on. But I
> > > > > always get problem like the following when I connect from jake (with
> > > > > the url ofhttp://localhost/joomla/index.php?option=com_jake), while
> > > > > direct connect to cake (http://localhost/cake) is completely fine.
> > > > > Here is the error message I got when connecting with jake:
> > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > Missing controller
> > > > > You are seeing this error because controller Controller could not be
> > > > > found.
> > > > > Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views/
> > > > > errors/missing_controller.ctp
> > > > > Fatal: Create the class below in file: app\controllers\controller.php
> > > > > <?php
> > > > > class Controller extends AppController {
> > > > >    var $name = '';}
> > > > > ?>
> > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­­­-
> > > > >      I found something weird as well and think it might mean
> > > > > something:
> > > > >      I have a static page in my cakphp application: \cake\app\views
> > > > > \pages\about_us.ctp. When I connect directly to cake install route, I
> > > > > can see those pages perfectly fine with an url in address bar 
> > > > > ashttp://localhost/cake/pages/about_us. However, when redirected from
> > > > > jake, the url becomehttp://localhost/pages/about_us(meantimethe
> > > > > error above appears) and clicking on it gives me 500 error.
> > > > >       So my impression is that it's a rewrite problem. I must messed
> > > > > up with some configurations. But I am terribly new on this and could
> > > > > not figure it out. I played around with .htaccess, etc, but no avail.
> > > > > Maybe you can take a quick look and give me a solution. Really
> > > > > appreciate it! Thanks a lot!
> > > > > Robin- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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