
        class User extends AppModel {
                public $name = 'User';
                public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
                        'Fundraiser' => array(
                                'className' => 'Fundraiser',
                                'joinTable' => 'fundraisers_users',
                                'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
                                'associationForeignKey' => 'fundraiser_id',
                                'with' => 'FundraisersUser',
                                'unique' => false


        class Fundraiser extends AppModel {
                public $name = 'Fundraiser';
                public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
                        'User' => array(
                                'className' => 'User',
                                'joinTable' => 'fundraisers_users',
                                'foreignKey' => 'fundraiser_id',
                                'associationForeignKey' => 'user_id',
                                'with' => 'FundraisersUser',
                                'unique' => false


        class FundraisersUser extends AppModel {
                public $name = 'FundraisersUser';
                public $belongsTo = array('User', 'Fundraiser');

Debug output:

7       START TRANSACTION               0               0
8       START TRANSACTION               0               0
9       INSERT INTO `users` (`first_name`, `last_name`, `username`,
`password`, `created`) VALUES ('', '', '', '', '2009-03-21 01:25:08')
1               0
10      SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS insertID             1       1       0
11      SELECT `FundraisersUser`.`fundraiser_id` FROM `fundraisers_users`
AS `FundraisersUser` WHERE `FundraisersUser`.`user_id` = 12             0       
0       0
12      INSERT INTO `fundraisers_users` (`user_id`,`fundraiser_id`) VALUES
(12,0), (12,1)  1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
constraint fails (`db_frontrunner_01/fundraisers_users`, CONSTRAINT
`user_fundraiser_fk2` FOREIGN KEY (`fundraiser_id`) REFERENCES
`fundraisers` (`id`))                   0
13      COMMIT

Notice, fundraisers table isn't populated, what is even odder, it
looks like it is trying to get a fundraiser_id from the join table.
And it is attempting to put two rows into the fundraisers_users table
with weird ids.  Not to mention the other fields in fundraisers_users
are not being populated as well.  What am I doing wrong?

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