Thanks John,

It does make more sense. I will give that a try and see how it goes.

Thanks for your detailed feedback.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Andersen [] 
Sent: March-21-09 5:38 AM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: Dividing Users

Hi Dave,

Looking at your model, I understand your problem.

As I understand it from your description:
1) A user can have one profile;
2) A user belongs to one group;
3) A user can create one or more ads;
4) A user can create one or more bookmarks;
5) A bookmark refers to one ad;
6) An ad may be referred to by one or more bookmark.

Text version of my data model ( A <-- B means B belongsTo A and A hasMany B;
no indication of mandatory relationships ):
groups <-- users <-- profiles <-- profile_attributes users <-- ads <--
bookmarks users <-- bookmarks profile_types <-- profiles attribute_types <--

The major changes from your model are:
1) The ads belongs to a user, not to a profile.
2) The bookmark belongs to a user, not to a profile.
3) One table (profiles) for all profiles, at least the information that are
common for all profiles.
4) Two tables (attribute_types and profile_attributes) for the profile
information, that are not common for all profiles.

So when you model this i CakePHP, and you read a users profile (Agent) then
the model should automatically also read all the profile attributes (using
HasMany relationship) from that model, thus ensuring the correct information
is available for your presentation of the profile (Agent). And the same when
you read a users profile (Investor).

Did this help you?
Best wishes,

On Mar 20, 5:56 pm, "Dave Maharaj ::"
<> wrote:
> Thanks again for your input. I been trying to get this right and for 
> some reason either I am a complete idiot I just cant get it. Or If it 
> is I do not think its right. I have been playing with it on the 
> cakeapp site to build the tables to give people an 
> idea.
> In my head User belongs to a group (either the INVESTOR or AGENT) 
> Group hasMany Users ok that all makes sense no problems yet....
> Now because the INVESTOR and AGENT profile information in completely 
> different I want a table for each (INVESTORS and AGENTS), normally 
> USER would have 1 profile but in this case there are 2 options of what 
> profile a USER will have based on the GROUP they are in.
> User hasOne INVESTOR or AGENT (which is a profile) depending on the 
> GROUP they belong to...this is where I am confusing myself. So a USER 
> who belongs to the GROUP AGENT will have a AGENT USER.ID in the 
> table...? Lost myself even trying to write it.
> Does this make sense to anyone?
> Thanks,
> Dave

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