Interestingly, I decided to take this completely outside of cakephp to
see if THAT was the issue and as it turns out it is not, here is my
out-of-cake test w/ the code included:

Now I am really starting to scratch my head..

On Mar 21, 1:33 pm, John Andersen <> wrote:
> Yes, I agree, after comparing your result with mine, I think your
> session is not activate at all!
> My session looks as this:
> 28871\controllers\components\crumb.php (line 14)
> Array
> (
>     [Config] => Array
>         (
>             [userAgent] => 83b3d3a563eb8249b0a9673105b4aae7
>             [time] => 1237660346
>             [rand] => 1199379407
>             [timeout] => 10
>         )
>     [Language] => en
>     [Crumbs] => Array
>         (
>             [0] => Array
>                 (
>                     [crumb_link] => somewhere link
>                     [crumb_name] => Somewhere I where!
>                 )
>             [1] => Array
>                 (
>                     [crumb_link] => somewhere link
>                     [crumb_name] => Somewhere I where!
>                 )
>         )
> )
> And you can see that it contains also other information needed by my
> site, not only the crumb information!
> I do hope you find the missing "step" :)
>    John
> On Mar 21, 8:21 pm, Charles <> wrote:> Yes I am starting to 
> realize it is not the code but rather a setting
> > somewhere that keeps resetting my session. I have no idea where to
> > being looking, however. I have set session security to low, changed it
> > from php to cake.. going to try db next but i'd rather not query the
> > db for all the sessions. but if it works, it works I guess. Thanks for
> > the input!
> [snip]
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