Hmm - maybe I'm just being picky, but that doesn't sound right to me

The layouts are obviously the same barring these overriden sections,
so the idea of duplicating entire layouts, inc nav etc, and maintaing
them seperately seems like a lot of work.

Add to that the cross combination issue - say if I have the analytics
snippet as described above, and also some call to JS of my own that
needs to be overridable.

Would I need a defautl layout, a custom-analytics layout, a custom-
myscript layout, a custom-analytics-and-custom-myscript layout, etc?!?

And finally, the idea that my controllers need logic for javascript
and analytics, which in my head is purely presentational, seems wrong

My current setup is, in pseudo-code, is something like this:

== Default layout ==

   $this->renderElement('my-snippet', $this->viewVars
['customSnippet']);  // slightly customised version of the element
  $this->renderElement('my-snippet'); //generic version of the element

== Custom View ==
$this->viewVars['customSnippet']='snippet just for this particular

This means the default element is rendered for all pages, unless
overridden in a particular view.
It took us a while to work this out, but it works quite well - it's
just I find the use of $this-<viewVars all over the place a bit

As I said, maybe I'm just being a perfectionist :|

On Apr 7, 1:58 pm, John Andersen <> wrote:
> As far as I understand, CakePHP takes the presentation so that the
> Elements goes into the Views, which goes into the Layout.
> [example] Layout <- Views <- Element [/example]
> If you have a part in the Layout, that occasionally should contain
> something else, then maybe you could let the controller set another
> layout, where the part has been replaced by the occassionally
> presented part.
> How does this sound to you?
> Enjoy,
>    John
> On Apr 7, 3:48 pm, the_woodsman <> wrote:
> > Thanks John -
> > But I see a few issues with that approach.
> > Let me give an example - google analytics occasionally needs to be
> > overridden on specific pages (i.e to register a custom page view,
> > rather than the one in the address bar).
> > It doesn't seem right to me that every single view needs to include
> > the google analytics snippet - passing custom info to the view as and
> > when we need seems a lot nicer than refactoring every single view in
> > the system, and ensuring that new developers to the project know of
> > all these mystical, business critical elements they have to place in
> > every new view they create....
> > On Apr 7, 1:35 pm, John Andersen <> wrote:
> > > I suggest taking the common part of the layout out from the layout and
> > > create it as an element, then invoke it from the view, passing the
> > > data to the element.
> > > Enjoy,
> > >    John
> > > On Apr 7, 3:03 pm, the_woodsman <> wrote:
> > > > Hi fellow bakers,
> > > > I often need to pass presentation related data from the view to the
> > > > layout - for example, when the layout has somethign for every singel
> > > > page, that individual pages can customise / override.
> > > > So far, the best solution I've found is to set things in the view via
> > > > the viewVars array, which is accesible in the layout.
> > > > Does Cake provide a way to do this more elgantly? Is there a
> > > > View::passToLayout function?
> > > > If not, what would be the best practice for implementing such a thing?
> > > > Thanks in advance!
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