PHP4 Support is a definite peeve.
The Ajax helper being tied into prototype/scriptalicious - I've a preference
for jQuery.

Particularly like the extensive use of hashtables in cake; really, really
like that.

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 5:55 AM, park <> wrote:

> No HABTM counterCache
> Ignoring callbacks on associative queries
> On May 8, 6:29 am, Nate <> wrote:
> > Well, maybe hate's a strong word.  Let's say, what do you like the
> > least?  Kind of an odd question, I know, but since we've kick-started
> > development of a new version, I'd like to know what the most
> > frustrating things with the framework are, even if they're things we
> > can't fix right away.
> >
> > I'll get us started: PHP 4 support.
> >
> > Who's next? TIA for the input.
> >

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