Cake PHP is leaps and bounds ahead of what I used to use, but I'd like to
* Improved support for Search Engine Friendly URLs.  There are many types of
SEF, and while there are already published versions of a few of them, I'd
like to see some core support, so that a new revision of Cake doesnt break
them. Types of SEF support I'd like to see are:
  * SEF Slug additions.  This is the one that usually gets used. The a
search engine friendly slug is appended to the URL. i.e.
  * SEF Slug replacements.  This is were the id gets replaced with a SEF
slug.  i.e. /controller/view/my-content-title maps to /controller/view/1
  * Virtual Paths.  This is where a controller/action/id gets mapped to a
virtual path.  Probably the trickiest to do, and perhaps well beyond the
scope of supporting in Cake Core.  The path would be mapped to a
controller/action/id on the way in, and links would be recognised and
converted on the way out.

* Naming of helpers.  Often, I need to overload the Form or HTML helper with
custom actions, or additional actions. When I do this, I have a
CustomFormHelper that extends the default FormHelper, but I then have to
reference the newer helper via $customForm.  Given that I'm extending
FormHelper, and still have access to all of those functions provided to it,
I'd like to specify that $form references CustomFormHelper.  Downside of
this is that the programmer becomes partially responsible for resolving for
variable conflicts if they incorrectly name something, or have a helper in
the app controller that conflicts with a helper name in the actual

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Nate <> wrote:

> Well, maybe hate's a strong word.  Let's say, what do you like the
> least?  Kind of an odd question, I know, but since we've kick-started
> development of a new version, I'd like to know what the most
> frustrating things with the framework are, even if they're things we
> can't fix right away.
> I'll get us started: PHP 4 support.
> Who's next? TIA for the input.
> >

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