I've read the cake book and a few blog posts about this but I'm still
not 100% on this.

I have set up sluggable behaviour, so that everything is given a
unique slug from the name, and I append a ".html" extension on the

I'm now playing around with the routing, but I'm not getting the
results I'm looking for.

Hypothetically lets say I have a controller called "posts".

I would like the following URLs for each action:

/posts/ - gives the index action.

/posts/$slug/ - gives the view action (where slug is the post slug).

/posts/new/ - gives the add action.

/posts/edit/$id - gives the edit action (where id is the id of the

So far I have:

          Router::connect('/posts/', array('controller' => 'posts',
'action' => 'index'));        // works fine.

          Router::connect('/posts/new/', array('controller' =>
'posts', 'action' => 'add'));    // works fine

I have managed to get /tips/view/$slug/ with the following:

           Router::connect('/tips/', array('controller' => 'tips',
'action' => 'view'));    // works fine

However, I would really like to remove the view from there, because I
don't think it is necessary...

I have tried the following and these were my results:

        Router::connect('/tips/*', array('controller' => 'tips', 'action' =>
'view'));   // works, but messes up "add" view.

            Router::connect('/tips/:slug/', array('controller' =>
'tips', 'action' => 'view'));    // same result.

I can understand why it interferes, because it is assuming anything
after tips/ must be a slug name, but I'm not sure what I can do to
avoid it. I'm sure there must be some way.

Apologies, that was quite a long winded way of putting it - but I
would appreciate any help!

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