Hi Cake ppl,
First of all i want to ty for your replies and your efforts for all of
To get to the point i want to make a search action with the relevant
search textfield in order to search for locations.Now the specific
location will handle a site "http://www.geonames.org/export/geonames-
which takes some parameters for that location.Let's say that according
to the API i want 1 parameter which is the q.So when the user hits one
location i want to get the returned data and show to him.The returned
data is in XML format so i have to parse it.I am wonder if my search
function is fine coz when i hit a location nothing happened.If anyone
has an opinion plz let me know.
Here is my code to help you as much i can.


class DestinationsController extends AppController {
        var $name = 'Destinations';

        function beforeFilter() {

        function search() {
        $this->layout ='search';
                App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
                $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
                $results = $HttpSocket->get('http://ws.geonames.org/search?',




<div id="search_dest">
<?php echo ($form->create('Destination', array
('controller'=>'destinations','action' =>'search')));?>


        <?php echo $form->input ('name', array('type' => 'text', 'label'=>
'Search Location:'));?>


      <?php echo ($form->submit('Search', array('div' => false,'class'
=> 'submitbutton'))); ?>

 <?php echo($form->end()); ?>

Ty in advance!
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