On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Nancy<nancy.milli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Something seems to happen when you have javascript embedded in an ajax
> rendered view and it is getting me confused!
> I have this line at the top, it works when I call the view directly,
> but doesn't seem to do anything when ajax renders the view:
> <?= $javascript->link('clearSelect'); ?>
> I see the alerts when the page is loaded directly but not through
> ajax.   The function works ok when loaded directly but not through
> ajax.  I'm using Protype and Ajax.
> ====== clearSelect.js ==============
> alert("hello!");
> function unselectAll(ele)
> {
>    alert(ele);
>    var obj=$(ele);
>    for (var i=0; i < obj.options.length; i++)
>    {
>        obj.options[i].selected = null;
>    }
> }
> =============================
> I've also run into this issue when I have buttons and things on my
> form I try to put some Javascript on, and they just don't work.  I've
> googled for an answer and realize that perhaps events aren't getting
> hooked up but I'm not knowledgeable enough to figure out on my own how
> to address that.  So any specifics would be hugely appreciated!  And
> it looks like my javascript source file isn't being included at all.

No, it is not. You have to understand what an AJAX request is, and
what your javascript function is doing with the result. In your case,
the view is being rendered by Cake into an HTML block which, when sent
back to the client, is inserted into the DOM. A javascript include is
not going to work because the tag will not be evaluated.

It's a similar situation for event handlers. When the HTML chunk is
inserted int the DOM, if there's no instruction to evaluate the page
again in order to register event handlers you're not going to get the
expected results. I use jQuery, not Prototype, so I can't give you any
specifics to deal with that.

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