Ok, good advice from both of you. This is what my code looks like now:

echo $html->link('',array('controller'=>'blog','action' =>
'index'),array('ID' => 'homebtn','alt' => 'Home'));
echo $html->link('',array('controller'=>'blog','action' =>
'bestof'),array('ID' => 'best',  ,'alt' => 'Best Postings'));

This should be one button to the right of the other.There will be 5
total in a horizontal menu.

The problem now is that only one button will work at a time (link and
rollover). Either one will work when they're alone, but together, only
the first one will work (whichever one is first). I've tried
everything I can think of, but either nothing changes or the whole
page blanks out.

Thank you for your input.

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