Lol, please quote the parts where i was ugly to him. I just gave him an 
advice AND helped him with his problem! I was constructive, not like you.
Please don't bother me..thx


red mcgee schrieb:
> Re: Andreas:
> that's a foul way to respond to someone.
> please don't browse the forums looking for others to belittle.
> the users here are merely looking for support - not criticism.
> how ugly of you...
> On Jun 12, 12:21 pm, Andreas <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> well i think you first need to learn the basics. e.g.: html + css before
>> proceeding to php (cake not to mention).
>> besides, its called "hover", not "rollover".
>> But anyway, to help you with that problem (maybe i missunderstood it
>> ...), this is how you make a button wich changes the image when the
>> mouse is over it:
>> Viewcode:
>> <?php echo $html->link('Home', "blog/index/", array('id' => 'homebtn')); ?>
>> <?php echo $html->link('Best Postings', "blog/bestof/", array('id' =>
>> 'best')); ?>
>> CSS:
>> a#homebtn { background: transparent url(path/to/button/img.png) 0 0
>> no-repeat); float: left; }
>> a#homebtn:hover { background: transparent url(path/to/hover/img.png) 0 0
>> no-repeat; float: left; }
>> hope that helps.
>> greets
>> Andreas
>> DbZeroOne schrieb:
>>> Ok, good advice from both of you. This is what my code looks like now:
>>> <?php
>>> echo $html->link('',array('controller'=>'blog','action' =>
>>> 'index'),array('ID' => 'homebtn','alt' => 'Home'));
>>> echo $html->link('',array('controller'=>'blog','action' =>
>>> 'bestof'),array('ID' => 'best',  ,'alt' => 'Best Postings'));
>>> ?>
>>> This should be one button to the right of the other.There will be 5
>>> total in a horizontal menu.
>>> The problem now is that only one button will work at a time (link and
>>> rollover). Either one will work when they're alone, but together, only
>>> the first one will work (whichever one is first). I've tried
>>> everything I can think of, but either nothing changes or the whole
>>> page blanks out.
>>> Thank you for your input.
> >

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