I am new to Cake PHP but I can give you the sql to get the count

select count(*), maincategory
from maincategories mc, subcategories sc, recipes_subcategories rsc
where mc.id = sc.maincategory_id
AND sc.id = rsc.subcategory_id
AND mc.id = $this->params["category_id"]
group by mc.id


On Jul 3, 8:25 pm, Luke <eik...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following issue where I am a bit stuck. I have 3 tables
> maincategories
> - id
> - maincategory
> subcategories
> - id
> - subcategory
> - maincategory_id
> recipes_subcategories
> - id
> - recipe_id
> - subcategory_id
> The Maincategories are shown as a Navigation. I created an element for
> this. Everything works fine. The next step I would like to achieve is
> to count the amount of recipes for each maincategory.
> Right now I use this code in my maincategories_controller:
> if(isset($this->params['requested'])) {
>      return $this->Maincategory->find('all', array('order'=>array
> ('Maincategory'=>'asc'), 'recursive' => 0));
> }
> How do I get the amount of recipes shown with my above Database
> struktur? Could someone give me a hint? I am pretty stuck with it and
> can't think of a solution. Thank you very much in advance.
> Regards Luke

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