Are you doing your testing in IE7? There are reports that IE sucks:

Or maybe following in the footsteps of a tried-and-true approach:

Quick checklist:
    1. Is the JS collecting the right values and actually submitting
them to the correct location?
    2. Is the action being reached in the controller?
    3. Is RequestHandlerComponent::isAjax() returning the expected

On Jul 8, 1:03 pm, jeff <> wrote:
> thanx for the reply marcelo....
> so i think i need to reconsider a better understanding of cakephp
> therefore i now turned into a much simple program in cakephp
> using all its feature ....
> but still am not able to get the value from jquery to a controller in
> cakephp
> heres what i did....
> i created a controller as follows
> beers_controller.php
> =======================================
> <?php
> class BeersController extends AppController
> {
>         var $name = "Beers";
>         var $uses = null;
>         var $helpers = array('Form', 'Html', 'Javascript',
> 'Time','Paginator','Ajax');
>         var $components = array('RequestHandler','Email');
>         function view_beer()
>         {
>                 print_r($this->params);
>         }
>         function add_beer()
>         {
>            Configure::write('debug', 0);
>            $this->autoRender = false;
>            if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax())
>            {
>                $this->Session->write('BeersInOurSession',
> $this->params['form']['id']);
>                pr($this->Session->read('BeersInOurSession'));
>                print_r($this->Session->read('BeersInOurSession'));
>            }
>            print_r($this->Session->read('BeersInOurSession'));
>            $pop = $this->Session->read('BeersInOurSession');
>            print_r($pop);
>            echo "pop=$pop";
>        }
> }
> ?>
> =======================================
> =>what i have did here is just created a view page for the function
> view_beer() which contains
> just a simple link and i have passed a value of id thru it...
> i used jquery to post this value and need this value in the contoller to be
> viewd but still no go,
> heres my view file
> view_beer.ctp
> ==========================================
> <?php
>     //let's load up the jQuery core
>     echo $javascript->link('jquery-1.3.2.min');
>     //and now... some file that will be specific to this view (page)
>     echo $javascript->link('beers_view_beer');
> ?>
> <?php echo $html->link('add beer', '#', array('onclick'=>'return false;',
> 'id'=>'some-beer-name', 'class'=>'add-beer-link')); ?>
> <?
> echo "<br/>";
> echo "<br/>";
> echo "<br/>";
> $pp = $session->read('BeersInOurSession');
> echo "pop=$pp";
> ?>
> ===========================================
> =>as u can see its just an id thts am trying to get in the controller
> printed
> ie. in this case would be " some-beer-name ".......................
> my javascript file for this is
> beers_view_beer.js
> =========================================
> $(document).ready(function() {
>     $('.add-beer-link').click( function () {
>          $.post('/beers/add_beer', {id: $(this).attr('id')});
>    });
> });
> =========================================
> =Isn't this a pretty simple stufff.......................
> =>Am really getting frustrated......
> =>is there something that am doing wrong.............
> =>Or is there any other method to get the values displayed
> => THANZ IN ADVANCEEE...........................
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