You finally see your controller output and data you submitted is
there. Your initial post was exactly about achieving this result.

On Jul 14, 11:48 am, jeremy <> wrote:
> hai guys am waiting didnt get any response so far...
> please help me as i need to get this working..........................
> my javascript file is as shown below
> ================================
>  $(document).ready(function() {
> >     var value =  $('.add-beer-link').attr('id');
> >     alert(value);
> >     $('#some-beer-name').click( function () {
> >          $.post('http://localhost/jeffery/cake_1.2.3.8166/beers/view_beer',
> > {name: "John" , id: value },
> >                 function(RESPONSE, textStatus)
> >                 {
> >                     alert("Data submitted: " + RESPONSE);
> >                 });
> >    });
> > });
> ================================
>  and now when i reload my page and click on the link
> > it gives me the following alert
> =======================================
>  Data submitted: Array
> > (
> >     [pass] => Array
> >         (
> >         )
> >     [named] => Array
> >         (
> >         )
> >     [controller] => beers
> >     [action] => view_beer
> >     [plugin] =>
> >     [form] => Array
> >         (
> >             [name] => John
> >             [id] => some-beer-name
> >         )
> >     [url] => Array
> >         (
> >             [url] => beers/view_beer
> >         )
> >     [isAjax] => 1
> > )
> > <script type="text/javascript"
> > src="/jeffery/cake_1.2.3.8166/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script><script
> > type="text/javascript"
> > src="/jeffery/cake_1.2.3.8166/js/beers_view_beer.js"></script><a href="#"
> > onclick="return false;" id="some-beer-name" class="add-beer-link">add
> > beer</a><br/><br/><br/>pop=<!-- 0.7738s -->
> =======================================
>  and in my controller ie. in function view_beer()
> > am trying to display the result as follows
> > ==============================
> > function view_beer()
> >         {
> >                 print_r($this->params);
> >                 /*if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax())
> >                    {
> >                     print_r($this->params);
> >                 }*/
> >         }
> > ==============================
> > =>But its not showing the the result what i get here as output is
> > ==================================
> > Array ( [pass] => Array ( ) [named] => Array ( ) [controller] => beers
> > [action] => view_beer [plugin] => [form] => Array ( ) [url] => Array ( [url]
> > => beers/view_beer ) [isAjax] => )
> > ==================================
> > So i think the jquery alerts corectly but somehow its wrong in controller
> > Is the function in controller wrong or is there something else that i should
> > do to get
> > the value displayed......
> > expecting ur reply...............................................
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