Thanks Issac for the reply..
Let me ask one more thing that, I need to use different tables (like user,
potentail user, and subscribed user ), for the functionality. Is it possible
with your solution ? If so how can i do it..
Can you give me an example (code) for that .?

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Isaac Raja <> wrote:

> Hi bino dev,
> since you are using a searches controller, and you are using a line like
> this
> $data = $this->Search->findAll($sql , NULL, $order, $limit, $page);
> you need to create a Search model.(with searches table)
> Actually it is not necessary to create searches controller and its view.
> you need to include a search method in the controller which you want to
> search.
> For example, if you want to seach the products table, create a method
> search in products controller and a model Product.
> Thanks
> Isaac Raja
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:35 AM, bino dev <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please help me.
>> Friends i need to create one search page, its searching with company ,
>> first name, lastname, email
>> i created the view , controller for the functionality.  Do i need to
>> create any model for it. Iam getting the error if there is no model in it.If
>> i need to create the model , what should be the $name in the model.
>> searchs_controller.php  ( )
>> <?php
>> class SearchsController extends AppController
>> {
>>     //var $uses = array('search');
>>     var $name = 'Search';
>>         var $useTable = false;
>>     function admin_index()
>>     {
>>         if(isset($this->params['url']['data']))  {
>>             echo $this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['first_name'];
>>               echo $this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['last_name'];
>>             echo $this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['company'];
>>             echo $this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['email'];
>>             echo $this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['phone'];
>>             echo $this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['address'];
>>         $datass = "user.status = 1 ";
>>         if($this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['first_name'] !='')
>> {
>>             $datass .= " and user.first_name like
>> '%".$this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['first_name']."%'";
>>         }
>>         if($this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['last_name'] !='')  {
>>             $datass .= " and user.last_name like
>> '%".$this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['last_name']."%'";
>>         }
>>         if($this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['email'] !='')  {
>>             $datass .=" and  like
>> '%".$$this->params['url']['data']['searchs']['email'] ."%'";
>>         }
>>         //list($order,$limit,$page) = $this->Pagination->init($datass);
>>         //pr($this->params);
>>         $sql = array('conditions' => array($datass),
>>                    'recursive' => 1 ,
>>                    'fields' => array('Search.username, Search.first_name,
>> Search.last_name,, Search.status, Search.created,
>> Search.modified'),
>>                 'order' => array( 'Search.created DESC'),
>>                    'limit' => $limit,
>>                    'page' => $page
>>               );
>>         }
>>     $data = $this->Search->findAll($sql , NULL, $order, $limit,
>> $page);
>>      $this->set('userdetails', $data);
>>     }
>> }
>> ?>
>> view page
>> <?php $this->setLayout('admin'); ?>
>> <script type="text/javascript">
>> jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
>>     $('.roundbox').hover(
>>         function(){$('.roundbox ul').show();},
>>         function(){$('.roundbox ul').hide();}
>>     );
>> });
>> </script>
>> <style>
>> #sidebar {
>>     background-color: white;
>>     position: absolute;
>>     top: 84px;
>>     right: 20px;
>>     z-index: 999;
>> }
>> .roundbox ul {
>>     display: none;
>> }
>> #main {
>>     width: 100%;
>>     padding-top:15px;
>> }
>> </style>
>> <div id="sidebar">
>>     <div class="roundbox">
>>         <h2>Sub Menu</h2>
>>         <ul class="actions">
>>             <li>&nbsp;</li>
>>             <li><?php echo $html->link('Export current items in CSV
>> format', '/admin/potential_suppliers/export'); ?></li>
>>             <li>&nbsp;</li>
>>         </ul>
>>     </div>
>> </div>
>> <div id="main">
>>     <h2>List Potential Suppliers</h2>
>>     <br />
>>     <?php
>>        //$pagination->setPaging($paging);
>>       // echo ($filter->setFiltering($filters));
>>     ?>
>> <form action="" method="get" class="uniForm">
>> <table border="0">
>> <tr>
>> <td><?php echo $form->labelTag('searchs/first_name', 'First Name');?></td>
>>  <td>   <?php echo $html->input('searchs/first_name',
>> array('size'=>'35','class'=>'textInput'));?>
>>     <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('searchs/first_name', 'Please enter
>> first_name.');?>
>> </td>
>>         <td>
>>             <?php echo $form->labelTag('searchs/last_name', 'Last
>> Name');?>
>>          </td>
>>         <td>    <?php echo $html->input('searchs/last_name',
>> array('size'=>'35','class'=>'textInput'));?>
>>             <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('searchs/last_name', 'Please
>> enter Last Name');?>
>>         </td>
>>      <tr>
>>        <td>
>>             <?php echo $form->labelTag('searchs/company', 'Company
>> Name');?>
>>         </td>
>>         <td>     <?php echo $html->input('searchs/company',
>> array('size'=>'35','class'=>'textInput'));?>
>>             <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('searchs/company', 'Please enter
>> Company.');?>
>>         </td>
>>        <td>
>>             <?php echo $form->labelTag('searchs/email', 'E-mail
>> Aaddress');?>
>>         </td>
>>         <td>    <?php echo $html->input('searchs/email',
>> array('size'=>'35','class'=>'textInput'));?>
>>             <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('searchs/email', 'Please enter
>> E-mail Address.');?>
>>       </td>
>>       </tr>
>>       <tr>
>>        <td>
>>             <?php echo $form->labelTag('searchs/phone', 'Phone');?>
>>         </td>
>>         <td>    <?php echo $html->input('searchs/phone',
>> array('size'=>'35','class'=>'textInput'));?>
>>             <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('searchs/phone', 'Please enter
>> phone number.');?>
>>       </td>
>>        <td>
>>             <?php echo $form->labelTag('searchs/address', 'Address');?>
>>         </td>
>>         <td>    <?php echo $html->input('searchs/address',
>> array('size'=>'35','class'=>'textInput'));?>
>>             <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('searchs/address', 'Please enter
>> Address.');?>
>>       </td>
>>       </tr>
>>       <tr>
>>         <td align="right">
>>         <div class="buttonHolder">
>>             <?php echo $html->submit('Search');?>
>>         </div>
>>         </td>
>>         </tr>
>>     </fieldset>
>> </table>
>> </form>
>>     <br />
>>     <?php //echo $this->renderElement('pagination'); ?>
>> </div>
> >

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