What is on line 453 in your version of \cake\dispatcher.php? What is
context of this error? Most likely missing table error is not real but
just caused by previous one.

On Jul 21, 4:58 pm, biancmb <mauro.bertolo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Guys, I am trying hard to make CakePHP work.
> I have followed all instructions. Official docs and other guides.
> The cake page renders fine. Triple-checked models and controllers,
> config files, etc.
> Still getting the "missing table.." message.
> Already tried to delete the ceche files, etc.
> What is left to do?
> Am I missing anything?
> The web seems to be inundated by people like me, all getting the same
> error message.
> I'd love to work with cakePHP, I believe it's a valid alternative to
> RoR and plain PHP, which I have been using for a while.
> I am comfortable with sysadmin, apache, mysql, linux, windows, php,
> etc.
> I am now using XAMPP on WindowsXP. But I get the same message under
> easyphp.
> I will try on my linuxbox at home as soon as I get the chance.
> -------- output ofhttp://localhost/prod/
>  Your tmp directory is writable.
> The FileEngine is being used for caching. To change the config edit
> APP/config/core.php
> Your database configuration file is present.
> Cake is able to connect to the database.
> -------- output ofhttp://localhost/prod/fams
> Notice (8): Use of undefined constant Fams - assumed ' Fams ' [CORE
> \cake\dispatcher.php, line 453]
> Missing Database Table
> Error: Database table fams s for model Fams was not found.
> Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views
> \errors\missing_table.ctp
> --------controller   fams_controller.php
> <?php
> class FamsController extends AppController {
> var $name = ‘Fams’;
> var $scaffold;}
> ?>
> ---------model    fam.php
> <?php
> class Fam extends AppModel {
> var $name = ‘Fam’;}
> ?>
> --------------------
> Note the DB contains a table named "fams"
> What is wrong?
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