You should make sure, that you free memory between chunks requests.
And do not try to output all this 25 Mb file at once, it also should
be done chunk-by-chunk. Remember, that PHP do not have automatic
garbage collector so you should unset no longer needed variables.

On Jul 26, 10:02 pm, JamesF <> wrote:
> i have paginated the results and no matter how i chunk it it still
> fills up the mysqli result set and hits the memory limit. i need to be
> able to flush the result set between each iteration.
> On Jul 26, 6:33 am, Jaydeep Dave <> wrote:
> > You can try something like this in your shell....
> > <?php
> > .......
> > ......
> > $page = 1;
> > while(1) {
> >          $records = $this->findAll("conditions' => array(bla bla bla),
> > 'fields' => 'Model.*' ,'limit' => 50, 'page' => $page);
> >          if($records) {
> >               // Write Your XML in a File.
> >          }else{
> >                break;
> >          }
> >         $page = $page + 50;
> > }
> > This will help you a lot.
> > Regards,
> > Jaydeep Dave
> > On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:41 AM, majna <> wrote:
> > > Try with :
> > > $mysqli = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
> > > $mysqli->disconnect();
> > > $mysqli->connect();
> > > debug($mysqli->connected);
> > > debug($mysqli->connection);
> > > On Jul 26, 7:55 am, JamesF <> wrote:
> > > > MY PROBLEM:
> > > > i am running into a wall with this one. basically i have a large xml
> > > > file that i am rendering using XmlHelper. We are talking about a
> > > > 25-50mb file. This is basically a product data feed. I have tried
> > > > quite a few methods to overcome the memory limit but no luck.
> > > > MY ERROR:
> > > > Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 83886080 bytes exhausted (tried to
> > > > allocate 53 bytes) in /home/username/usr/cakedev/cake/libs/model/
> > > > datasources/dbo/dbo_mysqli.php on line 402
> > > > 1) Initially i set this up to render through the web in one
> > > > shot....this cause execution limit timeouts and memory errors.
> > > > 2)I broke up the data requests in seperate chunks of 500 records using
> > > > internal method calls, like $listings = $this->getListings($start_id,
> > > > $limit); This caused the same problem
> > > > 3) I set the whole thing up via the cake shell interface. It works
> > > > great except for the fact that i keep running up against the same
> > > > limit, even with staggered chunks of records in different method
> > > > calls.
> > > > MY GUESS:
> > > > is that Cake is keeping an open connection with the database for the
> > > > life of the script.
> > > > can i disconnect and reconnect from the database inside of the script?
> > > > specifically can i do this in a cake shell script? will this solve my
> > > > memory problem? am i going about this the wrong way entirely?
> > > > thanks again anyone who has some advice!
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Jaydeep Dave
> > Mobile: +919898456445
> > Email:
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