On Aug 16, 11:36 am, technicaltitch <technicalti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know - I'm sorry about the drift in subject - I feel like I'm going
> backwards at the moment so thanks hugely for any pointers.
> I'm running Apache 2.2.11 and PHP 5.2.8 on the live site and 5.3.0
> locally - should I downgrade? As I understand it, CakePHP 1.2 requires
> an upgrade to my code (especially database searches) and at the moment
> I'd rather rewrite the CMS without Cake as that'd remove the big black
> impenetrable box for me. I haven't yet tried baking a new app because
> I don't suspect I'll find the problem on my local machine on a vanilla
> app - although I'm considering renting an identical 'production'
> server space and trying it there.
> Error reporting is set to E_ALL but I have tried E_ERROR and got only
> slightly fewer errors. I am using the same version of CakePHP locally
> ( as I want to get the site working locally before
> upgrading and testing.

1.1 ..  when was this app originally built? You should definitely not
upgrade your cake version to anything other than 1.1.x.

PHP 5.2.8 is not the same as php 5.3, I'm guessing that means you
installed wamp - which with 1.1 will almost certainly not work without

Cakephp is still php - meaning it's php files you can edit and put
things like debug('here'); in it (it's worrying that the concept of
debugging code seems alien).

Your main question seems to be "why does my own code redirect me with
certain input" - so why not override the redirect method and find out?


function redirect($url, $status, $exit) {
 $this->log($url, 'aname');
 $this->log($this->here, 'aname');
 $this->log($this->data, 'aname');
 $this->log($_POST, 'aname'); // should be ~identical to $this->data
 $this->log(debug_backtrace(), 'aname');
 //return parent::redirect($url, $status, $exit);
 debug(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__); // <- move or copy to anywhere you want

Also, why rent another server, instead of just copying your app setup
in its entirety into a (protected with a password if you want)
subfolder of your app webroot and test away yourself?


                                app_controller.php <- with debug code in it

http://mysever.com/testing/  <- your 'personal' debugging space.


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