I'd make a backup of cake/libs/controller/controller.php then have a
good look at loadModel(). Set debug = 2 and add some Debugger::log()
statements here and there.

Might you have a forgotten die() statement anywhere in your own code?

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Rich<r...@busyrich.com> wrote:
> Ok, this is going to be a long post, so let me begin at when this all
> started. This is a project for work, and what it essentially does is
> generate reports using Cake and a PDF generator. Now, it is ready to
> go live, and to get all that started we moved it to a dev server to
> test it before we put it fully live. I had been developing the app on
> my PC using WAMP for a while, inside a windows environment. The app
> moved from my local development platform of WAMP on windows to a Linux
> development server the company has.
> As with any application, it never goes the way you want, but this time
> is was completely weird what happened. After gettting all the basics
> such as Mod Rewrite and whatnot to work, I noticed something. All you
> every get was a blank page. Nothing, no body, no head, nothing. Like
> any good developer, I checked all the logs. There are no errors in the
> php log, no apache errors, not even anything out of the ordinary in
> the Apache access log (typical mod rewrite access stuff was there).
> So, I decided to go through my code, and I began commenting things
> out. The problem seemed to disappear if I commented out the $uses
> array, giving you basically: $uses = array(); Immediately, it became
> clear that something was wrong with one of my models. I commented out
> the model names in the $uses array one by one, and they all seemed to
> give me a blank page. It is crazy how you can comment out the models
> in your app and everything seems to work. No matter what model you
> use, they all cause a completely blank page. Just to be sure, however,
> I keep one model on and cleared out its contents, given me a blank
> model, it still gave me a blank page.
> I have spent the better part of a week trying to fix this issue,
> spending most of that time trying various "blank page" fixes around
> the internet, both php and cakephp solution. Here are just some of the
> solutions I tried:
> -Deleted all the App Cahce in the Cake App Cache Folder
> -Checked every file for space after the PHP tags
> -Checked all the logs for errors: PHP, Cake, and Apache show nothing
> - Tried CakePHP Testing, Didn't really work that well, or help me find
> an issue
> -Looked at Blank page tickets over at the CakePHP Trac and This google
> group
> -Searched Google for Blank Page solutions, went through pages upon
> pages with no solution
> Now, keep in mind that I can get my app to show up as long as I don't
> use any models. As soon as I include a model with the $uses array, I
> get a blank page. It was suggested that it was linux being pick about
> case sensitive files names, but if that was the case, then it would
> never work.
> I am also aware of using PDF generaters can cause blank pages, and
> trust me, I know what and when to expect such a PDF error. I have been
> working on this app for a couple of months, and with Cake longer than
> that. This is something I have never seen before, and something I
> can't seem to find anyone else having an issue with. The only time I
> have ever seen a blank page like this is with Wordpress, and typically
> that was because I had a space after the closing PHP tag.
> I wish I could show you some code, but being a work project, I don't
> know how much I can show. Hopefully these descriptions help you. The
> strangest thing is that I can type random gibberish in most of my
> files and get a php error, indicating that php is still working. I
> really stuck right now, so any suggestions would help a lot. I am not
> a cake expert, but I am quite experienced in php and the web.
> >

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