No, that's not it. That article is about how I switch configs based on
domain name.
I remember another one where they had
action but made it pretty close
to what you describe.

(a few minutes later)

I was close... they did some "cheating" to give users their own
found it here:

It looks like something you could tweak for your needs.

On Aug 24, 11:21 pm, jonoa <> wrote:
> I think you are referring 
> to
> I believe this scenario is where the author has multiple domains, a
> single app but a different DB containing the application specific data
> for each domain. He hacks bootstrap to match the header hostname to a
> config subdirectory and loads the appropriate db config file.
> Not quite what I'm looking to achieve but some good concepts there.
> On Aug 25, 1:25 am, Martin Westin <> wrote:
> > Did you check the bakery?
> > I think I remember seeing something like that in some article a while
> > back.
> > /Martin
> > On Aug 24, 3:38 pm, jonoa <> wrote:
> > > Hello all
> > > Big thanks to all the people who contribute to CakePHP - has certainly
> > > put some structure in to my development and I'll be donating as soon
> > > as I can monetize what I'm working on. :)
> > > I'm writing an app at the moment - basically it will allow the user to
> > > login, fill out some forms and basically spit out a pre-fabricated
> > > website complete with a registered domain.
> > > The interface for the user to login and submit the content for the
> > > site and register domains etc is done, the content to be used for the
> > > user-generated website is spread across a few models. I've built a
> > > controller (web) and appropriate views (about, contact) to make this
> > > data available. The website is also themed using native cake
> > > functionality allowing users to pick from a bunch of different themes.
> > > My question is this - how can I present the newly generated website
> > > and maintain the domain it was registered with? i.e. I can easily make
> > > my themed website available using /web/about/id:1 and /web/contact/id:
> > > 1 - but I need to make it accessible through and
> > > Similarly /web/about/id:2 and /web/contact/id:2
> > > would be accessible through and
> > >
> > > So the workflow is something like this..
> > > 1. User logs into
> > > 2. User enters content information into, essentially a CMS and a
> > > domain is registered for the user-site in the backend (i.e.
> > >
> > > 3. Domain is configured in DNS and Apache to point at the
> > > cake application
> > > 4. Anyone who visits or is
> > > essentially seeing a view rendered by or
> > >
> > > The tricky part is ensuring the URL for anyone visiting is the same as
> > > the domain that was registered.
> > > I'd like to keep everything as one app - I'm not sure if this is
> > > something I should be tackling in cake (I looked at routes - but I
> > > don't think it can match on hostname? In any case, if there was
> > > several hundred of these sites, would surely degrade performance too
> > > much). I'm thinking that mod_rewrite will definitely be involved
> > > somehow. Apache I'm pretty sure I can just use a wildcard virtual host
> > > and point it at the same app directory.
> > > I considered having the app write out a new directory structure and
> > > copy views etc over for each site, but I think that is not going to be
> > > maintainable.
> > > I think I have the various pieces - just not sure how to architect
> > > them. The fact that my cake app has knowledge of the relationship
> > > between the domain and the model for the content makes me think I can
> > > do this in cake. Scaling out to potentially hundreds of domains needs
> > > to be kept in mind.
> > > I'm not sure if this makes sense - any advice is greatly appreciated.
> > > Kind Regards
> > > Jon
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